So, I'm back after a long time. I have been finishing all my RL decks and school as well. During this time, I have been buying cards I need to finish Fenrir and all I need now is the G-PG and 1 more Fenrir. So, I guess I'll go into the updated deck profile.
So, the new deck hasn't had much changes, however, it has changed the way the deck functions. For this deck, the main idea is to keep the soul and counterblast options in check for Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir to use him as a final kill. If he doesn't get the job, you have one more and another round of Doom Brace and Vanargandr for your opponent to have to deal with. Revelation is this decks main focus. With all the previous fights I have had, this deck still suffers from being able to use Revelation as a means to an end, Fenrir stride does this quite well but this is a keyword that shouldn't be used as competitively like Revengers or Seekers and stuff like that. This is my personal opinion, I am a big fan of Fenrir (being my all time main deck) and even I think that he still suffers from some things. It may not be as powerful as Rescue, just think of this deck as Magus for Genesis really. This deck is not Wiseman/Fenrir because I really like Revelation. Well, I think I've talked about this deck for a while now so I'll get into the deck profile
Deck Profile
Grade 0 x17
1x Fetter Creator, Van
4x Goddess of Sound Sleep, Tahro
4x Dreaming Dragon
4x Stake Fetter, Thviti
4x Any Heal Trigger
Grade 1 x15
4x Shackle Fetter, Gelgja
4x Goddess of Decline, Hel
2x Mythic Beast, Hati
2x Claimer, Harry
3x Mythic Beast, Skoll
Grade 2 x10
4x Battle Maiden, Kotonoha
4x Boulder Fetter, Gjoll
2x Unappeasable Biter, Gleipnir
Grade 3 x8
4x Mythic Beast, Fenrir
4x Ice Crest Goddess, Svava
Grade 4 x16
3x Great Angel, Doom Brace
4x Mythical Destroyer Beast, Vanargandr
3x Beast-Slayer Military Deity, Tyr
2x Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir
2x Goddess of Seven Colors, Iris
2x Sky-dome Battle Maiden, Hanasatsuki
Alright, I'm pretty sure some people have seen the changes but let's just get into them when the time is right. So lets start with the Grade 0s
Grade 0
The first card is none other than the Starting VG, Fetter Creator, Van. The reason I chose this other Leyding is because I want to turn the downside of Revelation into a means of a power boost. Plus 2000 to one unit in the early game isn't that bad but isn't good either, it allows you for your VG or RG to hit a G-3 VG so that you can keep on attacking without having to call units from your hand to add in boost. His other skill is a useful one, when your drive check reveals a normal unit, you can put him into the soul and draw an extra card. It's a nice draw engine that appears in almost each grade in this deck so we won't be seeing the last of the draw engine which for some reason I do not abuse to all hell. I do like Leyding for the extra free call, but I don't really need it since I tend to power up all my units and I really don't want to lose power. Leyding is a nice card, It's really just that I use full Revelation and Van helps in the long run.
The first stand trigger I will talk about is Wiseman food Tahro. She is a pretty good stand trigger Genesis got. Thanks to Wiseman/Fenrir, this card will probably get hit and end up like Refros. So, can't wait for that... Anyway, I talked about this card last Fenrir deck profile so I won't go into too much detail with this card. This card helps with making extra attacks in a turn (obviously) and using it to make a super powerful rearguard stand back up for another attack. Very fun card but it will probably get hit soon...
The next stand trigger is Dreaming Dragon. This card should be named "Unable to Deck Out" cause you'll never deck out unless you are me and you tend to forget to call it out. On top of that, if 10 or more cards were returned, initiate "DrawEngine1.exe". It keeps you alive and it gives you a free card, very nice.
The last trigger that can be talked about is Fenrir's special Crit, Thviti. A basic special crit that can be used again and again thanks to Fenrirs' stride skill.
Lastly we have a plain old Heal Trigger.
Grade 1
The first Grade 1 I will talk about is Shackle Fetter, Gjoll. On top of possessing the Revelation ability it can also negate the downside of Revelation and adds 3000 power to the unit it stands. If you have Fenrir as your VG then you must SC2 and give another unit 3000 power. This helps a lot with being able to refill the soul when he disappears and also with making massive power columns or simply just making sure all units are powered up before your attack.
The next is Hel who is a simple G-PG. Nothing much to be said.
The next card is Mythic Beast, Hati. He helps a lot with making sure you get a good column in everytime you Soul Blast. This card I use behind Kotonoha because it turns into a 37k column which isn't bad. I use 2 because of the card I added in with I will talk about next.
Claimer Harry, certainly a unit I never thought I would add in. What he does, when ever a card enters your drop zone from your soul, you have to put a card from among them to the bottom of the deck and you can Counter Charge 1. While you have to activate this skill, even if you have all your damage face up, you can still return a card to the deck to make sure you don't deck out, even if it is a little amount. Genesis need a card that can recycle cards that enter drop zone from soul that doesn't hurt having to take out Hati. Hati has been here for a while now, it's cool but it's time for a change.
Finally comes the 3 of stride fodder, nothing much to be said.
Grade 2
The first Grade 2 I will talk about is Battle Maiden, Kotonoha. She is a unit that increases power everytime a unit enters the soul. If it was by Revelation, then she gains 2000 power. While it may be a small power increase, it does add up evrytime you do soemthing that helps with increasing the soul. This effect only works during your turn but that really doesn't matter. With Hati, she can become a powerhouse. She even works when you stride and Soul Charge 3. Also, she gives you a good reason to use Tyr every so often. A very nice unit that can become overwhelming for your opponent if given the chance.
Next is Boulder Fetter, Gjoll. Fenrirs' R Glimmer Clone. He possesses the Revelation and for CB 1 gains 4000 power and the ability of whenever he attacks, you can SB3 and draw a card. Again, he brings up the draw engine and after using him a lot, he becomes really good. Soulblasting Tahro with Gjoll can really make things worse for your opponent.
Lastly is Unappeasable Biter, Gleipnir. He is an Amber Clone, for CB 1, you can SC 3 and if you Soul-Blasted the same turn you used Gleipnir's skill, you can initiate DrawEngine1.exe. Once again, this a unit that you need to use every so often to make sure you understand what he is capable of. So far, he has done the deck some justice by being able to power up Kotonoha and giving you a free card. This deck may as well be called "DrawEngine.dek" with all the amount of cards that can draw in this deck.
Next is Boulder Fetter, Gjoll. Fenrirs' R Glimmer Clone. He possesses the Revelation and for CB 1 gains 4000 power and the ability of whenever he attacks, you can SB3 and draw a card. Again, he brings up the draw engine and after using him a lot, he becomes really good. Soulblasting Tahro with Gjoll can really make things worse for your opponent.
Lastly is Unappeasable Biter, Gleipnir. He is an Amber Clone, for CB 1, you can SC 3 and if you Soul-Blasted the same turn you used Gleipnir's skill, you can initiate DrawEngine1.exe. Once again, this a unit that you need to use every so often to make sure you understand what he is capable of. So far, he has done the deck some justice by being able to power up Kotonoha and giving you a free card. This deck may as well be called "DrawEngine.dek" with all the amount of cards that can draw in this deck.
Grade 3
Finally we head into the Grade 3's. Starting this off is Mythic Beast, Fenrir. He is the card that makes this deck work. On attack GB2, for SB3 his attack restricts your opponent from using G-1's or higher from their hand and also goes Critical. While this GB2 is good, thanks to G Guard, this skill becomes alost useless. If he gained power, that would be perfect. It is what it is though. His on stride skill is SC3 to give the stride a new skill where whenever you SB, you can call a unit that you Soul-blasted to RG for CB1. A good stride skill that helps refill the field without the use of Leyding. I don't have any new things to say about Fenrir so let's head into the next G-3.
Lastly is Ice Crest Goddess, Svava. She possesses the Revelation ability and also has another skill. On GB1, you can SB 3 normal units and she gains 5000 power and if she is on VC (good lord if that ever needs to happen) you initiate "DrawEngine.exe". A free card but for a cost of her being on VC, it isn't good if she is on there but I guess it is its way of saying sorry to some extent. She is a very nice card and I always use her because Full Revelation and all that.
Grade 4
Now we head into the G Zone.
Starting off is the first stride of this deck, Great Angel, Doom Brace. He is a very nice card when trying to deplete your opponents hand to nothingness. For SB 3 you can add 5000 power to two rearguards, and if you have 2 or less soul immediately after giving power to two Rearguards, you can SC3. So he gives power, with Stride skill you can refill the field and also fill the soul back up? A lovely first stride, my personal favourite. Nothing much more to be said except that I reduced him down to 3 as 4 was a bit too much.
Next is Mythical Destroyer Beast, Vanargandr. This is the alternative way to kill your opponent, for SB 6 and a G Persona Blast, he gains a skill tht activates beginning of your drive check. You can look at 4 cards from the top of your deck and place any number of those cards to the top or bottom. Basically, he ensures you gain a triger bonus or helps you with adding cards to hand that you want. I use 4 because 2 is simply not enough to ensure you kill your opponent.
Next is Beast-Slayer Military Deity, Tyr. He is a card that hinted at Revelation. For SB3, you can look at the top card of your deck and decide whether or not that card stays on the top or goes to the bottom, then he gains a skill where whenever he drive checks a Grade 1 or greater unit, you can SC3. He fills the soul and can also turn Kotonoha into a killing machine. A very good stride that people should try and use more often to realise his full potential that is hidden from us.
Now we go into my Personal Favourite Genesis Unit and Stride Unit, Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir. I don't wanna fanboy about this card too much so I won't say much. I have talekd bout this card a lot so I guess I really don't need to say as much as I would like to. He is the first unit to completely change a keyword and also teh first stride to have two skills. The more you know I guess, that is why he is my favourite unit maybe even my avatar.
We head into the G Guards.
Starting off is Goddess of Seven Colors, Iris. She is a fantastic G Guard and Genesis couldn't ask for better. When she is placed on GC, you can add three cards from your drop zone to your soul to gain 5000 shield. No downside whatsoever except you need to put in three, but that really doesn't matter because you are filling the soul no mater how much cards you put in. I use 2 of her because I want to use even amounts of G Guards.
The last card I will talk about is Sky-dome Battle Maiden, Hanasatsuki (not to brag but I have one SP. SP looks and feels so nice *3*). She is a G Guard that is so good for Genesis and keeps you thinking about which cards you want to keep in your soul to be able to activate her skill and gain 10000 shield. When she is placed on GC, you choose one of your Rearguards and if there is a copy of that unit in your soul, plus 10000 shield. So very easy but again, you need to keep track of what you have as rearguards and what you soulblast so that you can withstand strong attacks like "PB Diablo"
That was all for this updated Fenrir deck profile because I actually have almost finished this deck in real life, I just need Strides and all that. So anyway, I hope you enjoyed this deck profile. I will be here more often because I have pretty much used all the clans so that's good. Bye for now and I will see you all in the next post whatever that may be.
RiRi/Leafey Fanboy~