Thursday, 17 November 2016

Fenrir Revelation Update Deck Profile

Magus won't be too happy about this one...

So, I'm back after a long time. I have been finishing all my RL decks and school as well. During this time, I have been buying cards I need to finish Fenrir and all I need now is the G-PG and 1 more Fenrir. So, I guess I'll go into the updated deck profile.


So, the new deck hasn't had much changes, however, it has changed the way the deck functions. For this deck, the main idea is to keep the soul and counterblast options in check for Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir to use him as a final kill. If he doesn't get the job, you have one more and another round of Doom Brace and Vanargandr for your opponent to have to deal with. Revelation is this decks main focus. With all the previous fights I have had, this deck still suffers from being able to use Revelation as a means to an end, Fenrir stride does this quite well but this is a keyword that shouldn't be used as competitively like Revengers or Seekers and stuff like that. This is my personal opinion, I am a big fan of Fenrir (being my all time main deck) and even I think that he still suffers from some things. It may not be as powerful as Rescue, just think of this deck as Magus for Genesis really. This deck is not Wiseman/Fenrir because I really like Revelation. Well, I think I've talked about this deck for a while now so I'll get into the deck profile

Deck Profile

Grade 0  x17

1x Fetter Creator, Van
4x Goddess of Sound Sleep, Tahro
4x Dreaming Dragon
4x Stake Fetter, Thviti
4x Any Heal Trigger

Grade 1  x15

4x Shackle Fetter, Gelgja
4x Goddess of Decline, Hel
2x Mythic Beast, Hati
2x Claimer, Harry
3x Mythic Beast, Skoll

Grade 2  x10

4x Battle Maiden, Kotonoha
4x Boulder Fetter, Gjoll
2x Unappeasable Biter, Gleipnir

Grade 3  x8

4x Mythic Beast, Fenrir
4x Ice Crest Goddess, Svava

Grade 4  x16

3x Great Angel, Doom Brace
4x Mythical Destroyer Beast, Vanargandr
3x Beast-Slayer Military Deity, Tyr
2x Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir
2x Goddess of Seven Colors, Iris
2x Sky-dome Battle Maiden, Hanasatsuki

Alright, I'm pretty sure some people have seen the changes but let's just get into them when the time is right. So lets start with the Grade 0s

Grade 0

The first card is none other than the Starting VG, Fetter Creator, Van. The reason I chose this other Leyding is because I want to turn the downside of Revelation into a means of a power boost. Plus 2000 to one unit in the early game isn't that bad but isn't good either, it allows you for your VG or RG to hit a G-3 VG so that you can keep on attacking without having to call units from your hand to add in boost. His other skill is a useful one, when your drive check reveals a normal unit, you can put him into the soul and draw an extra card. It's a nice draw engine that appears in almost each grade in this deck so we won't be seeing the last of the draw engine which for some reason I do not abuse to all hell. I do like Leyding for the extra free call, but I don't really need it since I tend to power up all my units and I really don't want to lose power. Leyding is a nice card, It's really just that I use full Revelation and Van helps in the long run.

The first stand trigger I will talk about is Wiseman food Tahro. She is a pretty good stand trigger Genesis got. Thanks to Wiseman/Fenrir, this card will probably get hit and end up like Refros. So, can't wait for that... Anyway, I talked about this card last Fenrir deck profile so I won't go into too much detail with this card. This card helps with making extra attacks in a turn (obviously) and using it to make a super powerful rearguard stand back up for another attack. Very fun card but it will probably get hit soon...

The next stand trigger is Dreaming Dragon. This card should be named "Unable to Deck Out" cause you'll never deck out unless you are me and you tend to forget to call it out. On top of that, if 10 or more cards were returned, initiate "DrawEngine1.exe". It keeps you alive and it gives you a free card, very nice.

The last trigger that can be talked about is Fenrir's special Crit, Thviti. A basic special crit that can be used again and again thanks to Fenrirs' stride skill.

Lastly we have a plain old Heal Trigger.

Grade 1

The first Grade 1 I will talk about is Shackle Fetter, Gjoll. On top of possessing the Revelation ability it can also negate the downside of Revelation and adds 3000 power to the unit it stands. If you have Fenrir as your VG then you must SC2 and give another unit 3000 power. This helps a lot with being able to refill the soul when he disappears and also with making massive power columns or simply just making sure all units are powered up before your attack. 

The next is Hel who is a simple G-PG. Nothing much to be said.

The next card is Mythic Beast, Hati. He helps a lot with making sure you get a good column in everytime you Soul Blast. This card I use behind Kotonoha because it turns into a 37k column which isn't bad. I use 2 because of the card I added in with I will talk about next.

Claimer Harry, certainly a unit I never thought I would add in. What he does, when ever a card enters your drop zone from your soul, you have to put a card from among them to the bottom of the deck and you can Counter Charge 1. While you have to activate this skill, even if you have all your damage face up, you can still return a card to the deck to make sure you don't deck out, even if it is a little amount. Genesis need a card that can recycle cards that enter drop zone from soul that doesn't hurt having to take out Hati. Hati has been here for a while now, it's cool but it's time for a change. 

Finally comes the 3 of stride fodder, nothing much to be said.

Grade 2

The first Grade 2 I will talk about is Battle Maiden, Kotonoha. She is a unit that increases power everytime a unit enters the soul. If it was by Revelation, then she gains 2000 power. While it may be a small power increase, it does add up evrytime you do soemthing that helps with increasing the soul. This effect only works during your turn but that really doesn't matter. With Hati, she can become a powerhouse. She even works when you stride and Soul Charge 3. Also, she gives you a good reason to use Tyr every so often. A very nice unit that can become overwhelming for your opponent if given the chance.

Next is Boulder Fetter, Gjoll. Fenrirs' R Glimmer Clone. He possesses the Revelation and for CB 1 gains 4000 power and the ability of whenever he attacks, you can SB3 and draw a card. Again, he brings up the draw engine and after using him a lot, he becomes really good. Soulblasting Tahro with Gjoll can really make things worse for your opponent.

Lastly is Unappeasable Biter, Gleipnir. He is an Amber Clone, for CB 1, you can SC 3 and if you Soul-Blasted the same turn you used Gleipnir's skill, you can initiate DrawEngine1.exe. Once again, this a unit that you need to use every so often to make sure you understand what he is capable of. So far, he has done the deck some justice by being able to power up Kotonoha and giving you a free card. This deck may as well be called "DrawEngine.dek" with all the amount of cards that can draw in this deck.

Grade 3

Finally we head into the Grade 3's. Starting this off is Mythic Beast, Fenrir. He is the card that makes this deck work. On attack GB2, for SB3 his attack restricts your opponent from using G-1's or higher from their hand and also goes Critical. While this GB2 is good, thanks to G Guard, this skill becomes alost useless. If he gained power, that would be perfect. It is what it is though. His on stride skill is SC3 to give the stride a new skill where whenever you SB, you can call a unit that you Soul-blasted to RG for CB1. A good stride skill that helps refill the field without the use of Leyding. I don't have any new things to say about Fenrir so let's head into the next G-3.

Lastly is Ice Crest Goddess, Svava. She possesses the Revelation ability and also has another skill. On GB1, you can SB 3 normal units and she gains 5000 power and if she is on VC (good lord if that ever needs to happen) you initiate "DrawEngine.exe". A free card but for a cost of her being on VC, it isn't good if she is on there but I guess it is its way of saying sorry to some extent. She is a very nice card and I always use her because Full Revelation and all that.

Grade 4

Now we head into the G Zone.

Starting off is the first stride of this deck, Great Angel, Doom Brace. He is a very nice card when trying to deplete your opponents hand to nothingness. For SB 3 you can add 5000 power to two rearguards, and if you have 2 or less soul immediately after giving power to two Rearguards, you can SC3. So he gives power, with Stride skill you can refill the field and also fill the soul back up? A lovely first stride, my personal favourite. Nothing much more to be said except that I reduced him down to 3 as 4 was a bit too much.

Next is Mythical Destroyer Beast, Vanargandr. This is the alternative way to kill your opponent, for SB 6 and a G Persona Blast, he gains a skill tht activates beginning of your drive check. You can look at 4 cards from the top of your deck and place any number of those cards to the top or bottom. Basically, he ensures you gain a triger bonus or helps you with adding cards to hand that you want. I use 4 because 2 is simply not enough to ensure you kill your opponent.

Next is Beast-Slayer Military Deity, Tyr. He is a card that hinted at Revelation. For SB3, you can look at the top card of your deck and decide whether or not that card stays on the top or goes to the bottom, then he gains a skill where whenever he drive checks a Grade 1 or greater unit, you can SC3. He fills the soul and can also turn Kotonoha into a killing machine. A very good stride that people should try and use more often to realise his full potential that is hidden from us.

Now we go into my Personal Favourite Genesis Unit and Stride Unit, Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir. I don't wanna fanboy about this card too much so I won't say much. I have talekd bout this card a lot so I guess I really don't need to say as much as I would like to. He is the first unit to completely change a keyword and also teh first stride to have two skills. The more you know I guess, that is why he is my favourite unit maybe even my avatar.

We head into the G Guards.

Starting off is Goddess of Seven Colors, Iris. She is a fantastic G Guard and Genesis couldn't ask for better. When she is placed on GC, you can add three cards from your drop zone to your soul to gain 5000 shield. No downside whatsoever except you need to put in three, but that really doesn't matter because you are filling the soul no mater how much cards you put in. I use 2 of her because I want to use even amounts of G Guards.

The last card I will talk about is Sky-dome Battle Maiden, Hanasatsuki (not to brag but I have one SP. SP looks and feels so nice *3*). She is a G Guard that is so good for Genesis and keeps you thinking about which cards you want to keep in your soul to be able to activate her skill and gain 10000 shield. When she is placed on GC, you choose one of your Rearguards and if there is a copy of that unit in your soul, plus 10000 shield. So very easy but again, you need to keep track of what you have as rearguards and what you soulblast so that you can withstand strong attacks like "PB Diablo"

That was all for this updated Fenrir deck profile because I actually have almost finished this deck in real life, I just need Strides and all that. So anyway, I hope you enjoyed this deck profile. I will be here more often because I have pretty much used all the clans so that's good. Bye for now and I will see you all in the next post whatever that may be.

RiRi/Leafey Fanboy~

Monday, 12 September 2016


Hello guys and DAMN! I have learnt the existence of the ultimate deck you will win 100% of your matches with. I can't believe such a deck existed.. This shall be reviewed by your true god... KATSUMI MORIKAWA!!


What this crazy deck is all about is, you gotta get those strong Grade 3's out on the board and leave all those weak units where they belong, in the drop zone. Having all the strongest units out on the field practically means you win! If your opponent has any weak Grade 0, 1 or 2 units, your Grade 3's will punish them! Now we know that this deck is invincible. Let's get on to the deck profile

Deck Profile - Grade 3 Crusher

Grade 0 -  x9

1x Red Pulse Dracokid
4x Embodiment of Spear, Tahr
4x Dragon Monk, Genjo

Grade 1 - x4

4x (Strongest) Embodiment of Armor, Bahr

Grade 2 -  x4

4x (Best) Dragon Knight, Nehalem

Grade 3 -   x33

1x Dragonic Overlord
1x Dragonic Overlord "The End"
1x Dragonic Kaiser Crimson
1x Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion
1x Mythic Beast, Fenrir
4x Juggernaut Maximum
1x Phantom Blaster Overlord
1x Dauntless Drive Dragon
1x Dragonic Overlord "The Reverse"
1x Star-Vader "Omega" Glendios
4x Bad End Dragger
1x Stil Vampir
1x Nightmare Doll, Alice
1x Blue Storm Supreme Dragon, Glory Maelstrom
1x Spectral Duke Dragon
1x Star-Vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon
1x Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei "Reverse"
1x Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant
1x Supremacy Dragon, Claret Sword Dragon
1x Eternal Idol, Pacifica
1x Dragonic Overlord "The X"
1x Dragonic Overlord "The Great"
1x Blade Wing Reijy
1x Chronofang Tiger
1x Demon World Marquis, Amon
1x Discharging Dragon
1x Daunting Deletor, Oksizz

Grade 4 -  x16

1x Conquering Supreme Dragon, Dragonic Kaiser Warning
1x Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Dragonic Overlord "The Ace"
1x Holy Seraph, Raphael
1x Mythical Destroyer Beast, Vanargandr
1x Supremacy Black Dragon, Aurageyser Dragon
4x Divine Hand, Good End Dragger
1x Helldeity Seal Dragon, Crossorigin
1x Supremacy Black Dragon, Aurageyser Doomed
1x Genesis Dragon, Excelics Messiah
1x Abominable One, Gilles De Rais
1x Wings of Annihilation, Blade Wing Tibold
1x Black Seraph, Gavrail
1x Dragon Destroying Battle Deity, Kamususanoo

Unfortunately I have to review those pathetic grade 0's 1's and 2's so bare with me..

Grade 0's

- The reason I use Red Pulse is because it is so cool and not because that Jerk Kai used to use it..

- I use Embodiment of Spear. Tahr, because you gotta remember the good times when I, the Great Morikawa, was absolutely invincible and how Tahr led Team Q4 to victory at Regionals! You gotta add in Tahr!

- I use that heal trigger because just in case my opponent somehow deals my powerful Grade 3 damage, I might need it.

Grade 1's...

- What even is this deck without my main man, Embodiment of Armor, Bahr? This card, even for a pathetic Grade 1, is so amazing what with its 8'000 base power and all. I don't use it because Kai uses it, I taught Kai how to use this card so it is naturally my right to add this card in a deck such as mine.

Grade 2's..

- No deck is complete without the original powerhouse Dragon Knight, Nehalem. That is all

GRADE 3'S!!!!!!!!!

- As you can see, there are many grade 3's in this deck so reviewing each of them would take too much time. So, all this cards I have added in are all units that nearly every single fighter has lost to. So when they see those bad boys out of the field, they will remember the pain of having fought that unit and shiver in fear as I demolish their defenses. After that onslaught they will cry and bow down to me, "Oh wise Morikawa. Teach me your ways so that I may receive the power of the Grade 3's!" they will say! "Hmm what's this? You wish to learn the mighty ways of Morikawa, the strongest fighter in the universe? All you need, is Grade 3's and the ability to wield the almighty power. It may take months, even years to fully master their powers. However, with my guidance, you will become my greatest pupil, even greater than Aichi himself" is what i will respond. So that is why you have to add in all those grade 3's. "To win. One must have all the powerful cards in the game." ~Morikawa Katsumi (RiRi/Leafey Fanboy)

Now we get to the pinnacle of vanguard. Grade 4's!!

- I chose all those units for the same reason I chose the Grade 3's, because they all beat a main character at some point. With those cards I will be invincible. Also, i forgot to mention that I run 4 of the Spike Bro units because they are super strong!

Phew. Now with all that, you can start winning. Just add in those Grade 3's and you'll do fine. I guarantee that a Grade 3 based deck will smash Revengers, Sanc Guard and the entire Meta into submission. If it doesn't then keep trying again and again and again UNTIL YOU WIIIIIIIINNNNNNN!!!!!!!!

RiRi/Leafey Fanboy~ (As Morikawa)

Friday, 9 September 2016

Eradicators will Eradicate

Well... SOMEONE got mad about the Gauntlet Buster Stride and oh god is he angry. From G-BT09 (Divine Dragon Caper) comes Eradicator, Dragonic Descendants' new form "True Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant "Zillion". So, either this card will make or break the Gauntlet Buster/Descendant deck. With both having stride forms, the deck will now be a powerhouse... Anyway on to his effect.

ACT Vanguard  1/Turn G Persona Blast: If you have a heart card with "Descendant" in its name, this card gains the following effect until end of turn "Auto Vanguard 1/Turn Counter Blast 1, Soulblast 2 (how weird) and discard 3 cards from your hand. At the end of the battle that he attacked a vanguard, if the attack did not hit, you may pay the cost. If you do, stand him back up with -1 drive check"

Holy crap. He can be used as first stride. Yeah, I suppose he is coming back with a vengeance. So now with the addition of both Finish Blow and Zillion, Gauntlet/Descendant will be even more powerful... I was never ready for this card. Even if he doesn't gain critical, i'm still happy he only loses -1 drive check instead of the usual -2 and that he can be used as first stride! As I mentioned at the start, either this will make the Gauntlet/Descendant deck better or you will have to use one or the other. At least you don't have to pitch 3 eradicators :3..

So, I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you enjoy your Christmas when this gets released, it'll probably be your last...

RiRi/Leafey Fanboy~

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Fluctuations Are Legit -Fenrir Deck Profile

Hand Advantage + Power + Extra Attacks + Magus Type Skills = Fenrir


So basically, what Fenrir-variation of the Genesis clan is all about is being able to gain massive power boosts from Soul-blasting or Soul-charging depending on the cards you have. Also, with the introduction of Revelation, Fenrir is more of a powerhouse than he was before. Being able to manipulate your deck is very nice and can help in the long run, being able to attack according to what is coming up in your drive check is also very nice. Now that we (sort of) know what this deck will be all about. Let's get straight into the deck Profile.

Deck Profile - Revelation of Heaven

Grade 0   x17

1x Maker of Fetter, Bahn  Starter
4x Dreaming Dragon 
4x Goddess of Deep Sleep, Tahro 
4x Stake Fetter, Thviti 
4x Any Heal Trigger

Grade 1   x15

4x Fetter of Shackles, Gelgja
4x Mythic Beast, Hati
3x Mythic Beast, Skoll
4x Goddess of Decline, Hel G-PG

Grade 2   x10

4x Battle Maiden, Kotonoha
3x Boulder Fetter, Gjoll
3x Unappeasable Biter, Gleipnir

Grade 3   x8

4x Mythic Beast, Fenrir
4x Ice Crest Goddess, Svava

Grade 4    x16

4x Great Angel, Doom Brace
4x Mythical Destroyer Beast, Vanargandr
2x Beast Slayer Military Deity, Tyr
2x Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir
2x Goddess of Seven Colours, Iris
2x Dome War Shrine Maiden, Hanasatsuki

Grade 0's

- First off, I use the new starter "Maker of Fetter, Bahn" because he has two skills (all new starters tend to have two new skills) and also because he can do so much. His first skill is NOT GB, which is, whenever he is rested by an effect from one of your cards, you can give any unit +2000 power until end of turn. What makes this good is that it means early game power to deal with pesky rearguards that may get called. His other skill is GB, which is, after the drive check that your Vanguard revealed a Normal unit, you can put him into soul and draw a card if you do. This is a good hand advantage engine, now Genesis doesn't have to worry about less cards in hand with Bahn around. With a skill that gives power early game. What isn't there to love about Bahn? (RIP Leyding).

- Next is "Dreaming Dragon". By now we all should know what he does. If you do not, then what he does is GB, at the end of your turn, you may put him at the top of your deck, if you do, shuffle all cards from your drop zone back into the deck. Then, if 10 or more cards were returned, you get to draw an additional card. Wow! So basically this deck should not be able to deck out (unless you soulcharge a lot). Also, you get an extra card, so it prevents deck out and gives you advantage? Wow!

- Thirdly is "Goddess of Deep Sleep, Tahro". This card is amazing. It has the revelation ability and also another skill that is GB. Whenever she enters the drop zone from the soul, you can put her to the bottom of the deck and if you do, you get to stand a rearguard. Like wow! All of a sudden, Genesis can multi attack. This can also help with Revelation as she can stand a rearguard put to rest by revelation. She is a great card and she is the reason why I chose to run 8 stands anyway. Standing in this deck is more important than gaining crit because your rearguards will be gaining massive power.

- Next card is the Special Crit. When Fenrir attacks, put him into soul and give Fenrir +5k and draw a card. Nothing else to explain

- Finally is well... Any Genesis heal trigger you want really.

Now we move onto Grade 1's.

- The first card I use is "Fetter of Shcakles, Gelgja". He is a really, really good card to ride first as his non GB ability activates from the soul. Also, he has revelation. His main skill is, you put him to the bottom of your deck from your soul, you can stand a rearguard and give it +3000, then, if you have a Vanguard with Fenrir, you soulcharge 2 and give another unit +3000. Like look at all that power boost, It is an ACT ability but it is still awesome regardless. This card can help you boost up your columns or your Vanguard to new heights of power. He also helps fill the soul as well so he is like Dimension Creeper but a little better. His full effect requires you to have Fenrir, but even if you have Svava, you can still give a dude +3000 regardless if you stood it or not. 

- Next is "Mythic Beast, Hati". His GB skill is, whenever a card enters your drop zone from the soul, he gains +1000 power until end of turn. So again, combine this with other cards and you have a column that your opponent has to waste a Guard and 2 extra cards to guard against it. It doesn't matter if you ride Gelgja or Hati, both will benefit you in the end. 

- Next card is "Mythic Beast, Skoll". Just your regular stride fodder so nothing more to be said. I do use this card because I don't want to use Svava as stride cost. 

- Lastly is the G-PG, "Goddess of Decline, Hel". I use this card for the Counter Charge. Also, even though the new Sentinel that came out has the revelation ability, I still prefer the ability to Counter Charge because this deck needs it (even though I don't use Claimer Harry).

Next we move onto the Grade 2's

- Starting off is the MVP of this deck, "Battle Maiden, Kotonoha". She has the Revelation ability and this is the unit where Revelation will truly shine. Her non GB skill is, when a card enters your soul, she gains +1000, if that card was put into the soul via a Revelation ability, she gains an extra +1000. So she could turn into a monster if you can Revelate a lot of times. On top of being able to Gain +2000, through her own Revelation, she could turn herself into an 11k attacker just by Revelating once. She is amazing and despite being just a C, she is definitely what Genesis needed. 

- Next is the Glimmer clone for Fenrir "Boulder Fetter, Gjoll". When you call him, if your vanguard contains Fenrir, for CB1 and is GB1, he gains +4000 and an extra skill where, whenever he attacks. for Soulblast 3, you can draw a card. I don't know how to feel about this one, he can make plays and give you hand advantage but, I haven't actually used him enough to see his worth, I've generally used Kotonoha over him way more. However, he can give you hand advantage and also can make a powerful column so he is very nice.

- Lastly is "Unappeasable Biter, Gleipnir". He is an Amber clone for Genesis. His GB skills is, upon attack, you may pay the cost of a CB1, if you do, Soulcharge 3 and then, if you soulblasted this turn (or placed a card from soul to drop zone) you can draw an extra card. He is good because he can help fill the soul and gives you hand advantage as well. Nothing much to be said about Gleipnir, also he can help with Kotonoha's big number.

Now we move onto the Grade 3's

- The first Grade 3 is the boss card of this deck (and on lesser notes my Avatar!) and is the card you must ride to make sure the entire deck works. 

That card is "Mythic Beast, Fenrir!"
The Beast Of Ruin Shall Now Be Unleashed!

His Main skill is GB2. For a soulblast of two, when he attacks a vanguard, you can pay that cost, if you do, your opponent cannot guard with Grade 1's or higher and Fenrir gains +1 critical. It is really good whenever you know your opponent can't G Guard or guard for high numbers with G0. His second skill is, when your G Unit strides on Fenrir, you Soulcharge 3 and that G Unit gains a new skill where, when a unit from your soul enters the drop zone, you can CB1 and call that unit to RG. It really helps for filling the field and you don't have to worry about a unit being useless when it happens to be in the soul since Fenrir can rip it out and call it as a rearguard. So it helps fill the soul, fills the field and with his GB2 skill, can be almost hard to deal with? A perfect example of what can be done if you unleash the Mythic Beast.

- Next is "Ice Crest Goddess, Svava". This new Grade 3 almost saved Fenrir and became a deck that is as dominant as it is now. She has the revelation ability and another GB skill. For a soulblast of 3 normal units, she gains +5000 and if she happens to be on VG, you can draw a card. He is the main unit you want to use when making a massive column full of power. She also activates Hati's skill which helps make the board that much more powerful. If not for Svava. honestly i wouldn't be using this deck (I wasn't a fan of Neiros or Hestia). 

Now we finally move onto strides (Grade 4's)

- The first card is "Great Angel, Doom Brace". His skill is, by soulblasting two, you can give two Rearguards +5000 power, then if you have two or less cards in your soul, soulcharge 2. This card is really good as it can power up rearguards and also can activate both Hati and Kotonoha's skill for an even greater boost. This card is really good as trying to lower your opponents hand on first stride. He is just such a "Great" first stride and worth $15! (RIP wallet)

- The next card used is the main killer of the deck (but not the main stride) "Mythical Destroyer Beast, Vanargandr". What he does is GB2, for a soulblast of 6 and a G Persona Blast, when he attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost and if you do, he gains a new skill where, at the beginning of the Drive Step, you look at four cards from the top of your deck and put any number of them on the top of your deck in any order and put the rest on the bottom of the deck in any order." This card is extremely good at accessing what cards you want for the drive check. Also, this can combo with Bahn by putting 2 normal units on the top of your deck so you can add them both into your hand. Some people get the timing wrong though, I know most people don't but some do. Drive Step comes after guarding so you have to pay the cost, wait for your opponent to guard THEN activate the gained skill from Vanargandr. This card among with other cards teach people about timing, (good example is Burnout) so be careful.

- Next is Beast-Slayer Military Deity, Tyr. He has a nice skill that is mainly used to fill the soul again for things like Vanargandr or Fenrir's GB2 skill. His skill is an ACT, Soulblast 3, you look at the top card of your deck and choose whether or not it stays at top or goes to the bottom, then he gains a new skill where, when his drive check reveals a Grade 1 or higher unit, you may choose to soul-charge 3. So, at maximum, he can put 9 cards into the soul and power up Kotonoha for 9k boost. I rarely use Tyr but I should use him more. Doom Brace is just my most preferred stride I guess.

Now we move onto the Main Stride Unit. "Mythical Hellsky Beast, Fenrir". This GR changes everything about Revelation with his GB2 CONT skill. I have spoken about Fenrir in the last post so there is no need to talk about him again. I have chosen to use 2 because I have never used any more than 2 Fenrir ever. 

Time for the G Guards

- The first G Guard is "Goddess of Seven Colours, Iris". She is a G Guard that helps out the clan by putting up to three cards from your drop zone into soul when you place her on GC. If you do put three cards into the soul, she gains +5000 shield. She helps when you don't have any soul for Fenrir or skills like that. She is a nice, easily gained 5k shield and is therefore worth running 2 of.

- The last card in this deck is "Dome War Shrine Maiden, Hanasatsuki". She is a new G Guard for Genesis and boy does it reward you for keeping track of what is in your soul. When she is placed on GC, you can choose one of your Rearguards and if a copy of that unit is in your soul, she gains +10 shield. So with this, you definitely need to watch what you soul blast, or you could just use Iris to put a copy of your rearguard into soul and then Hanasatsuki. She is a good G Guard and worth running 2 of.

So that was my Fenrir deck profile. I hope you all enjoyed reading and I will see you all in the next post, whatever that may be. Bye
~RiRi/Leafey Fanboy

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

The Time For Revelation Has Come

I can see your future. Your defeat is written in stone. Fear as I triple crit you. :3

Alright. So finally, Fenrir has his stride form (which isn't Vanargandr) and oh lord. What has Bushiroad done? They've unleashed a true GR! With basically no power up (except for the second skill. A stride finally has two main skills!) this card only gives raw advantage and is able to furtherly increase the power of Revelation (Genesis's new keyword). Revelation enables you to look at the top card of your deck and decide whether or not it stays on top or goes to the soul as soon as a unit with the revelation sbility is placed on RG or VG. If you put the card into your soul, you'll have to rest a Rearguard (which isn't a problem). However, all that changes when Fenrir descends on the VC. His main skill changes all revelation ability to, whenever your rearguard performs Revelation, you can look at the top 2 cards instead and without any backdraw. What makes this good is that you can definitely know what cards will be coming up in your drive check. Also, his second skill can combo with his first skill. What it does is, for a CB of 1 and a SB of 3, you can draw a card. If you do not, you can put that top card of your deck into your soul and you can give both a rearguard and Fenrir +3000 power. Damn, with all this advantage, there is no doubt you can scare your opponent just by drive cheking. Literally, you can drive check 2 criticals at least, or pretty much anything you want as long as you stack the trigger in either the first or the second spot of the top of your deck. I'm running four because why not. Generally you'd want to use 2-3 at maximum since this card can give you so much advantages for basically no cost. Also, if you manage to gain a massive soul thanks to Tyr, you can just soulblast the cards away, and don't forget about Fenrir's stride skill which can help fill the board for 1 CB, such a good combination. Since i am using Genesis now, I can understand what makes this card good so I will be more versatile about what I write about. Can't wait for more Revelation support in the future.
So that was all for this post. I will see you all in the next post whatever that may be.

RiRi/Leafey Fanboy~

Friday, 5 August 2016

The Paralyse of Demise -Darkface Deck Profile

Don't worry, small insects can't kill anyone, but these ones slaughter and laugh at your demise.

Darkface has finally returned and made a major impact on increasing what Megacolony is capable of now more than ever. With skills that prevent your opponents units from being chosen by cards costs and effects, Megacolony could potentially shut down any deck like Revengers, Ahsha, Musketeers and even Nova Grappler and Bermuda Triangle (when things can affect Bermuda Triangle directly, the game just took a bad turn.). This deck is all about putting your opponent through absolute hell. As Megacolony is best known for Paralysing units and using their new Engine I'll call "Ultra Paralyse", there is no escaping their wrath. Also with all the new support, Darkface becomes an even easier deck to use counterblast with all their new CC (Counter Chargers). They also have a new keyword (if anyone remembers from my short Dark Device blog). Let's just get straight to the deck profile.

Insects of Calamity

Grade 0     x17

1x Childhood Command, Rosenberg  FVG
4x Scissors-shot Mutant, Bomb Scissor (Darkface Crit)
4x Earth Dreamer
4x Makeup Widow
4x Cocoon Healer

Grade 1    x15

4x Machining Mosquito  First Ride
4x Rebel Mutant, Star Shield  G-PG
3x New-Face Mutant, Little Dorcas Darkface S-Fodder
4x Vulcan Lafertei 

Grade 2   x10

4x Buster Mantis Second Ride
3x Charming Mutant, Sweet Cocktail
3x Punish Stag

Grade 3  x8

4x Intimidating Mutant, Darkface Final Ride
4x Sky-slicing Rending General, Superior Mantis

Grade 4  x16

2x Poisonous Spear Mutant Deity, Paraspear
1x Wild-fire Mutant Deity, Staggle Dipper
1x Dazzling Mutant Deity, Waspytail First Stride
2x Force Spear Mutant Deity, Stun Beetle Force PG Out
4x Merciless Mutant Deity, Darkface Main G Unit
2x Lawless Mutant Deity, Obtirandus Ace Unit
2x Mutant Deity Fortress, Gricefort
2x Dreaming Mutant Deity, Scarabgus


This deck is a deck that I made myself after quite a few tests. I had also gone through a lot of variations since there are wuite a few things one can do to change the structure of the deck. This deck is mainly about making sure your opponent has at least 2 paralysed units per turn to maximise the effects of a Darkface deck and also to leave your opponent unable to perform their main strategy as it will be shut down (probably) thanks to Ultra Paralyse. Now that we know what the deck is all about, let's get into the actul overview for each unit.

- Starting off the Grade 0 line up is our starting vanguard "Childhood Command, Rosenberg" who is actually a decent first vanguard because of the fact that he differentiates from all the other startes previous to this one. This starter has two ("techincally" three) effects. The first one is the Forerunner ability, nothing new. The next ability is his main skill which is "ACT GB1 Dark Device. You can put him into the soul and choose one of your opponents units and it gains "This unit cannot be chosen by your cards costs or effects and cannot intercept" and it cannot stand during your opponents next stand phase". It is a really good skill that starts off the shutting down of your opponents strategy that require to kill off their own rearguard or give power to other units. Also, since it puts itself into soul, it helps to use Darkface's GB2 skill. His last skill is "ACT You can rest himself to rest one of your opponents units." This is a good skill for setting up with things like Dark Device. Since it says units, if for some reason your opponent leaves their vanguard standing, you can rest himself and rest their vanguard. It helps because there are new strides that have Dark Device, so if their vanguard is standing, the Dark Device won't activate. I'm still currently deciding between this or Crimebug since Rosenberg doesn't paralyse but it seals off intercepting. However you can combo this card with Darkface's stride skill to fully paralyse the unit you chose from Rosenberg.

- The next card I use is the Special Crit for Darkface. "AUTOWhen your G3 or greater vanguard with Darkface is attacking, you can put it into the soul and give it +5000k and you can draw a card. It's just a crit that sets up for Darkfaces GB2 skill and gives it 5k in the process. 

- The next card is Earth Dreamer, a stand trigger that could deck you out by only if you aren't aware of how much deck you have left. What it does is, at the start of your opponents ride phase, if the number of rested rearguards your opponent has is 3 or more, you can put it at the top of your deck, shuffle and then draw 2 cards. This card is famous in my books for decking me out (only because I am an idiot) and forced me to reduce it by one for a while. It's a good card to give you hand advantage from your opponents misery. The fact it shuffles itself back into deck means that you can constantly use his skill. However, your opponent has to have 3 or more rested rearguards, so they could try and kill them off (somehow) to prevent Dreamers skill form activating (unless you Ultra Paralyse them). Generally, you'll be able to activate his skill, since by the time your opponent can do anything about it, it's already gone. 

- The next stand trigger I use is Makeup Widow. It's a very interesting and useful card and made me change the way I use paralyse ever since I first tested it. What it does is "It puts itself in soul at the end of each turn and you are able to Counter Charge and paralyse a grade 1 or less unit." The fact it paralyses a Grade 1 or less, gives you more strategy on paralysing opponents unit (generally you'd want to paralyse back row) so that you can paralyse front and back row without giving it much effort. Keep in mind it is Dark Device but it shouldn't be too hard to activate.

- The last card we use is a heal trigger because heal trigger

Next we move on to the Grade 1's

- The first unit I use is Machining Mosquito. What it does is, when you ride it or call it to rearguard, you can Soulcharge 1. Why I use this card is it helps to activating Darkface's GB2 skill on the first turn (if you manage to ride it). Also, if you do call it, it's a good 7k booster.

- The next unit I use is the G-PG, Rebel Mutant, Star Shield. When you place it on GC, if there is another copy of him in drop zone, you can Counter Charge1 and he does the normal PG thing, discard a card to nullify an attack. I chose him because I tend to waste Counterblast so he helps me in the end.

- The 3rd Grade 1 I use is the Stride Fodder, Little Dorcas. He does what a stride fodder does, searches for the G3 and becomes grade 3 when payng cost for stride.

- The final Grade 1 I use is Vulcan Lafertei. He is pretty cool at comboing in this deck. What he does is "AUTO Dark Device: At the beginning of your main phase, you can put this unit into your soul, if you do Counter Charge1. His next skill is, if you have a vanguard with Darkface in its name. He can't be chosen by the effects of your opponents cards and all your opponents unit in the same column as it cannot intercept. Why I like this card is, no matter what kind of paralysing you do, the grade 2 in the same column as it on your opponents field cannot intercept at all and helps with Counterblast. If you have two on different columns, it makes Toxic Trooper completely useless since Lafertei is a permanent Intercept sealer unless he is removed from the rearguard somehow. The best time for me to use it is when a Grade 3 is in the same column as it on your opponents side of the field as Grade 3's obviously can't intercept (unless otherwise stated). So using its CC skill is good in that situation. This card may also make your opponent not want to call any g2's since they'll be useless when defending. 

Now we move on to the Grade 2's.

- The first Grade 2 I use is Buster Mantis. Even after Aristoscythe, I still want to use Mantis. Sure it is GB1 but I'd wait for an almost definite 12k attack against a Rearguard and Vanguard. I like Aristoscythe as well and actually can't decide whether or not to use it. I'm just using Buster Mantis because I have 4 of it anyway. Aristoscythe is probably better. Buster Mantis is a 12k attacker if all your opponents Vanguards/Rearguards are at rest. He is GB1 but he is still a good attacker.

- The next unit I use is Sweet Cocktail. The next Grade 2 I will talk about does the same thing for no cost except Dark Device. What she does is, GB1 when she attacks a vanguard boosted, you can Counterblast 1 to rest your opponents unit and it gains a skill where, if it is rested at the end of your opponents turn, you can draw a card, and on top of it, it is paralysed. She is pretty decent because it is basically Darkface's stride skill for the same cost, sop if you don't activate Darkface's stride skill, she can act as your backup, except she only Gigaparalyses one. Regardless, a good card that has helped me a lot. 

- The final Grade 2 I use is Punish Stag. What it does is GB1 and Dark Device. When you call it to RG, if your vanguard has Darkface in its name, you can Gigaparalyse a RG. This card is good because, other than Dark Device, it has no cost, unlike other Glimmer Clones before it. It's a good card that gives you even more Gigaparalyses when you want to pressure your opponent into getting rid of the units you Gigaparalysed, otherwise you get hand advantage. It's a pretty good card to Combo with. With this unit, as long as you have Lafertei behind it, you can freely Paralyse a front row rearguard. 

Now we finally move on to the Grade 3's. 

- The first unit is Intimidating Mutant, Darkface. His GB2 skill is, when your opponent calls a unit to RG, you can Soulblast 2 and rest that unit. This is pretty good as it could prevent a good attacker from attacking. Also, with the way it is worded, this skill can also affect Resist units as it doesn't necessarily "Choose" a unit. With his stride skill, for a CB of 1, you can rest two of your opponents rearguards and they also gain a skill where, if they are still at rest at the end of your opponents turn, you can draw a card. This is a nasty skill as, if your opponent doesn't do anything about it, you gain hand advantage. It makes your opponent waste cards from their hand to replace their unit that was Giga Paralysed. What makes it bad is that unit may have been their ace card and they have to get rid of it. However, this is completely wasted if your opponent just calls the same unit over the unit Giga Paralysed.
However, this skill is a nice skill and I like it.

- The next Grade 3 is Sky-Slicing Rending General, Superior Mantis (what a mouthful). He is a pretty good card that, regardless of what circle he is placed on, he can still activate an effect. With his first skill which is CB 1 and Dark Device, he is able to paralyse a unit in the same column whether or not he is placed on VG or RG. This is pretty helpful as, if he is ridden, you can paralyse your opponents VG booster which could cause problems in your opponents attacking power next turn. With his 2nd skill which is GB1 and Dark Device, he can paralyse any unit if he is called to RG. He is better than the new G3 Megacolony in my opinion because he doesn't gain any power, just paralyse, and does what Megacolony is best known for. He is also very useful if he is called to RG as he can paralyse 2 units. Which helps because if you strode this turn, you are just one unit away from paralysing the whole field. The only think I think could be improved on for this RRR card is that it should Giga-Paralyse as well. That would be good honestly but it's still a good card either way.

Now we move onto the Grade 4's.

- The first stride I use is "Poisonous Spear Mutant Deity, Paraspear". Why I use him is because he easily sets up for Dark Device as he rests the entire board, and if there are three or more units at rest, you can draw a card and gain +5000. This effect takes place when you stride with him so you can also activate Darkface's stride skill to Giga-Paralyse two units. The face it sets up for Dark Device, literally punishes those who tries to escape from Megacolony's strength. I use 2 because he gives you a draw and power. A good first stride for Megacolony.

- The next stride I use is Wild-fire Mutant Deity, Staggle Dipper. For a CB 1 and a G Blast, you can choose up to three units and they gain +1000 power for each of your opponents units at rest. You can just choose your front row and gain power. I use one of this because I'd rather use it when I can gain 6 for even 7k. The fact he G Blasts, means you can flip Darkface in the G Zone and be able to Ultra-Paralyse 2 units and gain 10k from just his first stride. So, Staggle Dipper is a situational card, depending on how much units your opponent has and how much units your opponent has at rest. All in all, it's a pretty decent card.

- The third stride I use is "Dazzling Mutant Deity, Waspy Tail". She is also a situational card. Her skill is for a SoulBlast of 1 and a G Blast, if her attack hits a vanguard, you can choose one of your opponents units and paralyse all rearguards in the same row and column. What makes this card a little bad is that it has to hit a vanguard and there is no way that will happen if your opponent has a PG in hand. Also the fact that she soulblasts, it takes away a little of the soul intended for Darkface. However, the fact it can paralyse four units is worth the soulblast, and also the fact that it can be used as first stride is nice. 

- The fourth stride I use is "Force Spear Mutant Deity, Stun Beetle". He is probably the worst nightmare for everyone if he hits a vanguard. For GB2, a CB of 2 and a G Persona Blast, you can paralyse your opponents vanguard. Pretty usual right? You can just ride and done. Well prepare to be wrong, for if his cost and conditions are met, your opponent cannot ride during their next ride phase, however they can still superior ride (which isn't too common today) and be fine. It also paralyses Legion since it says paralyse all of your opponents vanguard. This card is pretty insane if he hits, and same for Waspy Tail, no one will let this hit. Who wants to not be able to ride, stand or stride next turn? That is why I use only 2 so that when he strides, I can force out a PG and set up for every other stride hitting later on in the game. He is probably my 2nd favourite Megacolony stride so that is why I just had to include him in my deck.

- The fifth stride I use is "Merciless Mutant Deity, Darkface". The main stride for this deck who can be used as first stride because he isn't GB restricted. However it would be a bad idea to use him first as he won't be able to do much. What he does is for CB 1, G Blast and Dark Device, you can choose one of your opponents rearguards and it gains a skill where that unit cannot be chosen by cards costs or effects. They also cannot intercept and Darkface gains +5000 for each unit chosen by his effect. It can be a massivepower boost of +15000 because he can choose up to a maximum of 3 units. This is the best stride as, making sure you choose your units wisely, you can completely stop your opponents full strategy from working on their turn. Also since a unit cannot be chosen by cards costs or effects, it cannot choose itself as it is still being chosen by an effect or cost (mainly staring down Sacrifice Messiah). So it can stop Bermuda Triangle (which is horrible) from boucing rearguards back to hand since most of their bouncing comes from effects or costs. It can also finally stop Nova Grappler at some level. Also Revengers. So Megacolony finally has something that could push it into the Meta.

- The sixth and final stride I use is "Lawless Mutant Deity, Obtirandus". What he does, for GB2, a CB of 2 and by Discarding a card from your hand, your opponent cannot call units to RG at all during their next turn. Catastrophic? Pretty much. Dangerous? Very. The second coming of an Apocalypse? Quite so. Not being able to call units (or even superior call) to RG can definitely stop anything your opponent will try to throw at you and they have to work with what they have (if they can). The bad thing about this is that you have to play your Ultra-Paralysing right so that your opponent literally cannot do anything next turn. Ultra-Paralysing will make this card destructive. Also you have Giga-Paralysing going for you, so you are definitely going to draw if they don't kill their own RG's. If they do try to kill their own, if will be bad for you as you won't have anything to Paralyse, but this is also good as you can just beatdown your opponent to force their hand advantage to blow up. Pretty fun, I have yet to use this card actually so I haven't seen it's full effect and what it can really do. When that day comes, I'm 100% sure I'm using it against Bermuda Triangle.

Now we move onto the G Guardians.

- The first G Guard I use is "Mutant Deity Fortress, Gricefort". When he is placed on GC, for a CB of 1, you can rest your opponents entire backrow and gain +5000 shield for every 2 of your opponents units at rest. Using this card when it is your opponents last high powered attack for the turn can really help as just by using him, it'll be like using 6, 5k shield cards from your hand to block the attack. Very nice but the CB hurt. However, if you use this when it is your opponents first attack, means that the rest of their attacks won't be as effective since the won't have any boosters. However, this means that you might be sacrificing a little shield for a strategy that might blow up, but it is still worth it to try. 

- The last G Guard I use is "Dreaming Mutant Deity, Scarabgus". What he does is, when you G Guard with him, if your opponent has two or more units at rest, he gains +5000 shield. It's a pretty nice card that gives you advantage when your opponent attacks. I use 2 because it is still a +5k shield. Nothing much more to be said really.

So that was my Darkface deck profile. I hope you all enjoyed reading this. So I will see you all in the next post whatever that may be.

~RiRi/Leafey Fanboy