Friday, 28 April 2017

"I welcome you all to see the final performance!"

Flavor Text: "The finale is, to be decided by everyone~*music note*"

Bermuda finally got their GB8 unit today (after many weeks of waiting...) and there are mixed opinions on it but like. I TOTALLY KNEW IT WAS GONNA DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS (except the discard cost) AND LIKE I AM SO HAPPY!!!! 

Anyway, on to the skill! "[AUTO[VG] Generation Break 8: [Choose a card from your hand and discard it] At the end of the battle that this unit attacked a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, return all of your rearguards back to your hand, choose up to 5 cards from your hand, call them to separate RC, and they get Power +5000 until end of turn."

My fanmade skill was basically like this except all units gained +5000 for each unit you called to the field and the stride gained power equal to the total gained power of all rearguards but that was too stupid so I'm actually quite happy with this skill. This card does not allow you to stack triggers on RG since those units will be returning to your hand regardless so that's not really too bad when you think about it. This card can do lots of combos with other units and gives a normal deck 5 attacks in total. With other decks, this card can grant you a maximum of 10 attacks. Also, I'm pretty sure this works but if you call Sparkle in her Heart, Spica before you call anyone else, the units you call after her will gain the extra 2k, so if it does, everyone gets 7k added meanwhile Spica gets an extra 13k which is pretty nice and also (time to get sidetracked) if you use her own skill, you can unleash some devastating attacks. Anyway! For this GB8 unit as a whole, it's definitely one you want to use to seal the game up since you won't be returning any rearguards back to your hand except with things like Spica and all that but that isn't too much of a problem since (if you live next turn) you can just return them all back. My verdict on this stride.... 7/10. Adding 5k is pretty good especially for the 2nd wave of attacks but we could have had something more... explosive? But whatever, we get what we get. This was all from me and I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Until next Bermuda reveal!


Wednesday, 19 April 2017

G Clan Booster 5 - Divas of Seven Colours + Trial Deck

OHHHHH MAN THE MERMAIDS ARE BACK AND OMGGGGGGG RIVIERE SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE WAITED FOR SO LONG FOR HER SUPPORT!!!! Anyway. So, so far the things that are confirmed to be supported are "Coral, Duo, Riviere (AAAAAA), Lauris (so hopefully good harmony units this time) Pacifica, Raindear and Chouchou cards (the new theme)" So. I hope that good things come from this set and I can't wait to review each card that comes out! Especially the Riviere and Coral support! 

Last but not least. We have the Bermuda Triangle trial deck! "Divas Debut" features the Chouchou theme and, like the Nubatama trial deck, comes with 2 copies of 1 G Guardian! Also! As an additional bonus, unlike trial decks thus far, instead of hot stamp, the SP is an alternate art of the main grade 3! (As seen above). So happy with this! Definitely buying 4 of this and I'm gonna try to buy as much I can of the Clan Booster! Both the Clan Booster and Trial Deck release on the same day so yeeeeeeee!!!! I'm so hype!!! This was all from me and I hope the next post is the Bermuda GB8!

BermudaMaster out~

Monday, 3 April 2017

"New Stride Powers" = Over The Top

Recently, this card "Interdimentional Dragon, Beyond Order Dragon" (card above) has been shown in the anime to have Generation Break 8. As all of the GR in the fighters collection are now confirmed to have Generation Break 8, I don't know how to feel about it since most games end at GB6 or even GB4. It's more like the game won't even reach the point where anyone can go into GB8 and use these new cards. However, if fights get that far, these cards are meant to be a means to an end, finishing the game at soon as someone goes into a card with GB8. I don't expect too much (thanks to Demiurge and the whole "NEW POWER!" thing. Demiurge is basically stacking to the extreme) out of these cards but I do expect skills that can wrap up a game. Cannot wait to do more consistent posts about the GR and eventually a Top 5 Strides of FC2017! Until then, I guess I'll leave until a GR gets revealed. Bye for now~
