Monday, 3 April 2017

"New Stride Powers" = Over The Top

Recently, this card "Interdimentional Dragon, Beyond Order Dragon" (card above) has been shown in the anime to have Generation Break 8. As all of the GR in the fighters collection are now confirmed to have Generation Break 8, I don't know how to feel about it since most games end at GB6 or even GB4. It's more like the game won't even reach the point where anyone can go into GB8 and use these new cards. However, if fights get that far, these cards are meant to be a means to an end, finishing the game at soon as someone goes into a card with GB8. I don't expect too much (thanks to Demiurge and the whole "NEW POWER!" thing. Demiurge is basically stacking to the extreme) out of these cards but I do expect skills that can wrap up a game. Cannot wait to do more consistent posts about the GR and eventually a Top 5 Strides of FC2017! Until then, I guess I'll leave until a GR gets revealed. Bye for now~


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