Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Battle Sisters are done

Definitely more useful than a Fan

We definitely needed a margal clone :p

"Lozenge Magus "Apex"" Yet this R does all she does and better. Also that weaponry.

Battle Sisters are fully done and we get to see the G guardian which is amazing. I'm gonna get the heal trigger because it's so much cooler than a girl wielding a fan. The draw trigger is nice as well and means more power to units. FINALLY, THE G GUARD! I'll just go over this card in a simplistic way.

When she is placed on (GC) you can pay CB1, if you do. You get to draw a card and reveal the top card of your deck, if it is grade 1 or higher, you get +5000 shield and you may also choose where that revealed card goes (to the top or bottom of your deck). This literally removed Apex from my g zone and the CB doesn't hurt at all since Muffin and all. I'm thinking of using three of this girl since she is like really really good. You get back what you discarded for G guard and also a potential defensive trigger or what you wanna draw into when your turn comes around. I'm very happy!

So that was all from me, we are done with Battle Sister and which means I might be inactive for a while unless something else pops up. Until then, bye!


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