Wednesday, 1 November 2017

In the arms of an angel... Gavrail Stuff

At least Rescue can be aggressive (not saying much though).

So the trend this set is Resist?

It's not Fenrir but just looks like the original was always better

Oh. Looks like we are playing soulchargers. I'm so thrilled.... 

It's starting to become easier to tell what decks Bushiroad want to give decent support to and which decks they just want to try and kill. Rescue is a good example right now. With the main problem being deck out, I guess it would be fun to see who decks out first; Rescue, Great Nature or Oracle Think Tank. It's just something to give Rescue a new kind of playstyle which is literally revolved around decking out. "Hey, wasn't that their issue before? Maybe Bushiroad will give you cards to help with that." Right now, it's a possibility, but with only 2 or so R and RR spots to work with, we literally need a miracle, like, a Vanquisher R and RR miracle, which I doubt is gonna happen anyway because it's becoming more apparent that Bushiroad doesn't give a single fuck about Rescue. This was to be expected however, I play Bermuda for the love of god, I know when Bushiroad doesn't give two fucks about a deck. Anyway, I better get to reviewing these... "cards"... or whatever they are, starting from the top card down to the bottom

Grade: 1
Power: 7000
Shield: 5000
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "[CONT](RC):During the turn that a card was put into your drop zone from your damage zone, this unit gets +6000 Power.
Rescue 1-[AUTO] [Generation Break 2]:[Soul Blast (1) When this unit is placed on (RC) from your damage zone, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a card from your damage zone, heal it, choose one of your vanguards, and deal one damage. (Perform a damage check. Triggers will also activate)"

Surprisingly the Cont skill is actually fairly decent, not having GB. You could drive check a heal trigger, if the heal goes off, you heal a damage and if Lailah is boosting (let's say a G2 to put things into perspective) that went from a 16k to 27k. That's actually pretty scary since Lailah can become a 13k booster meaning most of your attacks wil have to be guarded for more than they otherwise should have been. This turns your regular everyday 16k RG columns into 22k columns, very nice! Also this makes VG swings 39k which is VERY nice. Since this works with heal triggers, this is makes rescue or drive checks fairly pressurising. Notice how this skill isn't GB2 meanwhile a simple Rescue is? Though fair enough, it activates her own skill making for great overall pressure but it's GB2 (because they want Altiel or Eden as first stride gdi...) so it's eh. Hageete is GB2 so in comparison, this far exceeds her. Soulblast 1 as a cost is neat, eventually we will run out of soul and... become unable to use most cards if you don't use a soulcharger... This got sooooo fun... Altiel at 2? Altiel at 2... Fair enough. Next "card".

Grade: 2
Power: 9000
Shield: 5000
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "[CONT](VC/RC/GC):Resist
[AUTO](RC) [Generation Break 1]:[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] When a card is put into your drop zone from your damage zone during your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Gavrail" in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a face up card from your damage zone, call it to (RC), and put the top card of your deck into your damage zone face up."

I can see the usefulness in this card but... Zabaniya... I will try out this card, so far, the only thing going for it is that it isn't 1/Turn but that really is NOT saying much, however it is there. While this card at least puts the top card of your deck face up, it only chooses face up cards so inevitably, you will become unable to choose anything. I wish Angel Feather could go back to their roots of choosing any card in the damage zone, but that would make them good. That PR card is almost slightly better than this. The only thing saving this card so far is the fact that it calls units to (RC) and also Resist. I'm gonna test out this card, but I'm not looking forward to it. Next "card".

Grade: 3
Power: 11000
Shield: N/A
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "Rescue 1-[AUTO](VC):[Choose a card from your hand, and put it into your damage zone face up] When your G unit stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a card from your damage zone, put it into your hand, choose a card from your damage zone, heal it, choose one of your vanguards, and deal one damage. (Perform a damage check. Triggers will also activate)
[CONT](VC) [Generation Break 2]:You may pay "Counter Blast (1)-card with the rescue ability" as the cost to Stride G units with the rescue ability."

It's plain and simple. The GB2 only works with 3 units, Altiel, Eden and Vellator Terminal (hopefully we get an R Rescue stride, I fucking doubt it) which, 2 of which are acceptable to some degree. So really, it's kind of like a mediocre pile of nothing. Amaruda strides for a decent cost and allows versatility in her choices. Luard basically does nothing to stride for free. Well, whatever. The stride skill isn't half bad but it doesn't call, that's my only problem Why doesn't it call? So we really have to rely on that Pegasus to do the calling? That's terrible, that's stupid. WHY?! I guess she resets our CB somewhat but this is nothing impressive. I prefer the original.

So we are almost done and I'm actually tired, I almost forgot I still have Eden to do. This is literally putting me through hell but whatever, I'll get this done even if I hate it even more with every single breath I take.

Grade: 4
Power: 15000+
Shield: N/A
G Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "Rescue 1-[ACT](VG)[1/Turn]:[Soul Blast (1) & Choose a face down card from your G zone with the same card name as this unit, and turn it face up] Choose a card from your damage zone, heal it, choose one of your vanguards, and deal one damage.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, choose up to the same number of cards from your damage zone as the number of face up cards in your G zone, call them to separate (RC), they get +3000 [Power] until end of turn, and put the same number of cards from the top of your deck as the number of those units into your damage zone face down."

An easy rescue is nice. Instant GB2 is nice. Field swarming is nice with extra power. Denying CB is nice, wait, yeah. While you don't have to call all cards from your damage zone, the option to is there and. Eh, it's pretty good if you have Broken Heart out. This is basically deck out city and I honestly have nothing to say. 

What a grand unveiling of what Angel Feather basically is this set, the previous set and pretty much the enirety of G. BYE


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