Wednesday, 1 November 2017

In the arms of an angel... Gavrail Stuff

At least Rescue can be aggressive (not saying much though).

So the trend this set is Resist?

It's not Fenrir but just looks like the original was always better

Oh. Looks like we are playing soulchargers. I'm so thrilled.... 

It's starting to become easier to tell what decks Bushiroad want to give decent support to and which decks they just want to try and kill. Rescue is a good example right now. With the main problem being deck out, I guess it would be fun to see who decks out first; Rescue, Great Nature or Oracle Think Tank. It's just something to give Rescue a new kind of playstyle which is literally revolved around decking out. "Hey, wasn't that their issue before? Maybe Bushiroad will give you cards to help with that." Right now, it's a possibility, but with only 2 or so R and RR spots to work with, we literally need a miracle, like, a Vanquisher R and RR miracle, which I doubt is gonna happen anyway because it's becoming more apparent that Bushiroad doesn't give a single fuck about Rescue. This was to be expected however, I play Bermuda for the love of god, I know when Bushiroad doesn't give two fucks about a deck. Anyway, I better get to reviewing these... "cards"... or whatever they are, starting from the top card down to the bottom

Grade: 1
Power: 7000
Shield: 5000
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "[CONT](RC):During the turn that a card was put into your drop zone from your damage zone, this unit gets +6000 Power.
Rescue 1-[AUTO] [Generation Break 2]:[Soul Blast (1) When this unit is placed on (RC) from your damage zone, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a card from your damage zone, heal it, choose one of your vanguards, and deal one damage. (Perform a damage check. Triggers will also activate)"

Surprisingly the Cont skill is actually fairly decent, not having GB. You could drive check a heal trigger, if the heal goes off, you heal a damage and if Lailah is boosting (let's say a G2 to put things into perspective) that went from a 16k to 27k. That's actually pretty scary since Lailah can become a 13k booster meaning most of your attacks wil have to be guarded for more than they otherwise should have been. This turns your regular everyday 16k RG columns into 22k columns, very nice! Also this makes VG swings 39k which is VERY nice. Since this works with heal triggers, this is makes rescue or drive checks fairly pressurising. Notice how this skill isn't GB2 meanwhile a simple Rescue is? Though fair enough, it activates her own skill making for great overall pressure but it's GB2 (because they want Altiel or Eden as first stride gdi...) so it's eh. Hageete is GB2 so in comparison, this far exceeds her. Soulblast 1 as a cost is neat, eventually we will run out of soul and... become unable to use most cards if you don't use a soulcharger... This got sooooo fun... Altiel at 2? Altiel at 2... Fair enough. Next "card".

Grade: 2
Power: 9000
Shield: 5000
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "[CONT](VC/RC/GC):Resist
[AUTO](RC) [Generation Break 1]:[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] When a card is put into your drop zone from your damage zone during your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Gavrail" in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a face up card from your damage zone, call it to (RC), and put the top card of your deck into your damage zone face up."

I can see the usefulness in this card but... Zabaniya... I will try out this card, so far, the only thing going for it is that it isn't 1/Turn but that really is NOT saying much, however it is there. While this card at least puts the top card of your deck face up, it only chooses face up cards so inevitably, you will become unable to choose anything. I wish Angel Feather could go back to their roots of choosing any card in the damage zone, but that would make them good. That PR card is almost slightly better than this. The only thing saving this card so far is the fact that it calls units to (RC) and also Resist. I'm gonna test out this card, but I'm not looking forward to it. Next "card".

Grade: 3
Power: 11000
Shield: N/A
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "Rescue 1-[AUTO](VC):[Choose a card from your hand, and put it into your damage zone face up] When your G unit stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a card from your damage zone, put it into your hand, choose a card from your damage zone, heal it, choose one of your vanguards, and deal one damage. (Perform a damage check. Triggers will also activate)
[CONT](VC) [Generation Break 2]:You may pay "Counter Blast (1)-card with the rescue ability" as the cost to Stride G units with the rescue ability."

It's plain and simple. The GB2 only works with 3 units, Altiel, Eden and Vellator Terminal (hopefully we get an R Rescue stride, I fucking doubt it) which, 2 of which are acceptable to some degree. So really, it's kind of like a mediocre pile of nothing. Amaruda strides for a decent cost and allows versatility in her choices. Luard basically does nothing to stride for free. Well, whatever. The stride skill isn't half bad but it doesn't call, that's my only problem Why doesn't it call? So we really have to rely on that Pegasus to do the calling? That's terrible, that's stupid. WHY?! I guess she resets our CB somewhat but this is nothing impressive. I prefer the original.

So we are almost done and I'm actually tired, I almost forgot I still have Eden to do. This is literally putting me through hell but whatever, I'll get this done even if I hate it even more with every single breath I take.

Grade: 4
Power: 15000+
Shield: N/A
G Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "Rescue 1-[ACT](VG)[1/Turn]:[Soul Blast (1) & Choose a face down card from your G zone with the same card name as this unit, and turn it face up] Choose a card from your damage zone, heal it, choose one of your vanguards, and deal one damage.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, choose up to the same number of cards from your damage zone as the number of face up cards in your G zone, call them to separate (RC), they get +3000 [Power] until end of turn, and put the same number of cards from the top of your deck as the number of those units into your damage zone face down."

An easy rescue is nice. Instant GB2 is nice. Field swarming is nice with extra power. Denying CB is nice, wait, yeah. While you don't have to call all cards from your damage zone, the option to is there and. Eh, it's pretty good if you have Broken Heart out. This is basically deck out city and I honestly have nothing to say. 

What a grand unveiling of what Angel Feather basically is this set, the previous set and pretty much the enirety of G. BYE


Thursday, 26 October 2017

LOOK AT ALL THESE WET BOIS... and Lady - Stream Reveals Aqua Force

Hey look! Stacia

Who likes dealing with the same column potentially 3 times?

Mr.PokesALot has arrived

To my surprise, the stream revealed neither Galleas or the G guard (which basically confirms that Galleas is RR) but instead we got 3 cards, one of them being a new (but not new in concept... Does bushi know we were using Stacia in basically all our Sōha decks? (Sōha is just a quick way of saying Blue Wave (Which won't be used for official card names))). Let's just get the cards out of the way in the order seen above.

Grade: 2
Power: 8000
Shield: 5000
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "[CONT](RC):Resist: (you know what resist does)
[CONT](RC)[Generation Break 1]:If you have a vanguard with "Blue Wave" in its card name, this unit gets "[CONT] This unit can attack from the back row." and "[AUTO] When this unit attacks a vanguard from the back row, this unit gets +3000 power until end of that battle.".

Apparently running Stacia was so good that Bushi gave us a Sōha Stacia. Basically everything Stacia is except it is Sōha so that's actually pretty decent, which also means Sōha is definitely gonna be a full deck after this set (as if it wasn't obvious enough). Not much to talk about with this card but she will definitely be the start of your wave attacks. Wow, I actually just realised how stupid this card is now thanks to Valeos (who will be talked about later on). Next card.

Grade: 1
Power: 7000
Shield: 5000
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one "Blue Wave General, Valeos" from among them, reveal it, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you put a card into your hand, choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them."
[AUTO](RC): When your vanguard with "Blue Wave" in its card name [Stand], [Stand] this unit."

So an Abyssal Owl clone which doesn't countercharge but rather allows for more column pressure. Hey, it's free at least. Anyway, it's a card which makes good use of restanding vanguards to be able to create extra power for those rearguards you leave standing, but in this cas, it's more likely you can use the RG restanding skills and not have to worry about not boosting because now you can. Keep in mind that despite your Vanguard can stand in the stand phase, if Beragios was paralysed, it won't stand up because it's in the stand phase. Shouldn't be too much of an issue *remembers that Megacolony is getting support shortly* it "shouldn't be" but might... I guess it doesn't matter too much since literally all the best Sōha cards can restand so Beragios will stand inevitably. Pretty good for a C. Same with Stacia 2.0. Final Card.

Grade: 3
Power: 11000
Shield: N/A
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated* (probably gonna be cool)
Effect: "[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (1)] At the beginning of your ride phase, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to one card with "Blue Wave" in its card name from your hand, call it to (RC), and it gets +2000 power until end of turn. If you called a card, draw a card.
[AUTO](VC):[Soul Blast (1)-card with "Blue Wave" in its card name] When your G unit with "Blue Wave" in its original card name Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, until end of turn, choose one of your opponent's vanguards, until end of turn, its [Power] increase or decrease to 11000, and its [Power] cannot increase or decrease other than with this effect or the [Shield] of the guardians."

What the hell is this? Actually, before I go on. OF COURSE IT COUNTERBLASTS!! WHY?!?!?!? Okay, so, first up. Calling from hand is pretty nice since you won't lose any hand off of it thanks to the draw. In addition, the Sōha you call gets +2000 power so it turns Beragios from a 7k booster to a 9k booster which turns 16k columns into 18k or 20k with effects and such. It's pretty nice to add power and not lose any hand. Now his stride skill... So... Basically no matter what, you're always going to be 11k, no defensive triggers, effects or anything else will save you (basically Gavrail got kicked something fierce and no more NIghtrose defensive plays). This also stops crossrides so that's pleasant. What's really making this a force to be reckoned with, take into account the nature of Aqua Force, always poking at your vanguard for 11k at minimum. So, you'll always be in the range for a hit, it's almost too brutal while you are at five damage because there will be nothing saving you defensively and so you basically always have to thrown down shield as you would normally, which sucks because you'll be throwing down more cards than you would like. Since this is heavily Sōha restricted, it makes sense why this skill is at it is. This skill is an "eventually you will have to take hits" type of skill due to all the attacks that will be coming through. It's possible to kill your opponent first stride with this skill if you have the right set up. 

That's all from me for today, Galleas and the G Guard still needs to be revealed but hopefully we will get them next week (if Taiyou doesn't showcase new cards (kinda hope so)). SO yeah, see you all later when we literally drown because of Blue Wave. 


Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Did you say "Deck Recycling"? - Angel Feather Reveals

She cute and deck recycles. 8/10
They did say Rescue checking would become easier..

Today we got some Angel Feather cards (obviously) and my oh my, one helps and the other makes me a bit worried that the old Gavrail is gonna get kicked out (probably). I guess they both have reasons why I'm a little worried but it's nothing major. Anyway, it's probably time to talk about each of them.

Grade: 1
Power: 7000
Shield: 5000
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "[AUTO](RC)[Generation Break 1]:[Put this unit on the bottom of your deck] When a card is put into your damage zone during your turn, you may pay the cost. If you do, Soul Charge (1), choose a normal unit and trigger unit from your drop zone, return them to your deck, and shuffle your deck."

While it puts itself to the bottom of your deck to prevent constantly spamming this skill (which would be at least R worthy or maybe RR), it's a nice skill that can help out the deck regain important units slowly but surely. The thing i'm actually worried about is the forced Soul Charge, another unit also forces you to Soul Charge so I'm either 

A: Relieved to know that I can still use Raziel and not have to punish myself for not being able to use Altiel in the same game.


B: Worried that the new Gavrails have a Soul Blast cost attached to them and you can constantly use it as they will be good skills.

Either way I guess this means that the soul charges will help the deck one way or another. With the soul-blast costs, cards you rode can make their way back into the deck through Sartael I suppose. Having 3 of this unit on the field means you will be adding a +6 to the deck (+6 because you will be soul charging a card) which is nice. Losing them can hurt but the deck should be able to sustain the loss in field and regain the cards soon enough. Overall, this card is a good 8/10 and replacing Thousand Ray Pegasus easily. Nothing shall get rid of Maalik so my G1 space is gonna be pretty tight if we get another good G1 card. Next card

Grade: 3
Power: 11000
Shield: N/A
Normal Unit
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "Rescue 1-[ACT](RC)[1/Turn][Generation Break 1]:[Counter Blast (1)] Choose a card from your damage zone, heal it, choose one of your vanguards, and deal one damage. (Perform a damage check. Triggers will also activate)
[AUTO](RC)[1/Turn][Generation Break 1]:[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] When a card with the rescue ability is put into your damage zone, you may pay the cost. If you do, put the top card of your deck into your damage zone face up, choose a face up card from your damage zone, and put it into your hand."

This isn't a half-bad skill. It's C so it's nothing too special or bad. It's interesting now we still have to choose from among the face up damage zone cards rather than choosing damage cards in general so eh. I guess due to rescue it wouldn't matter too much (also this helps out the new G Guard and do note that the CB and SB skill activates during both players turns so you could do combos or such) if it was face up or just in general. The Rescue skill is pretty basic but at the same time it's nice to be able to rescue without having to do specific things like calling to (RC) from either in general or specifically from damage zone or after boost, so that's nice. This in itself can combo with the G1 (if you want to) so you're basically free to heal whatever you want. It's also nice (sort of) that you can use its own skill to kick off its other skill. This is getting too Nociel lol... makes me wonder...

So that was it for today, I probably won't do the Blue Waves that got revealed yesterday however to make up for that (Flood Hazard is crazy and also the G3 is great backup) I will do whatever the Stream shows us tonight (hopefully Valeos, Galleas, Beragios and the starter (or the G Guardian gets revealed instead of Beragios)). See you all in the next post!


Monday, 23 October 2017

Drowning in Despair... Our First Look At A Zeroth Dragon

Take a good long look at this...

Last episode of Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Z gave us the first look at a Zeroth Dragon and oh my god what even is this thing? First off, it's called Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo and already you can see its base power of 25000+!!!! Like, that's a 36k base Vanguard! My lord... on top of that, it supports all clans of Magallanica and it does it perfectly. Returning rearguards to hand (it doesn't say it on the wikia but i'm like definitely sure it returns all rearguards upon stride), calling from hand and drop zone, giving those units 5k and the ability to switch rearguards with other rearguards that attacked. However, at the end of your turn, basically if you SOMEHOW DON'T WIN using this card, all your G zone gets removed from play. I think that's fair since you basically deserve the worst punishment if you can't win with this madness. On top of all that, the cost to stride it is to disard a card on your VC from hand (rip Persona Blast) which isn't too bad, thank god for legion revival lol. ALSO, we got like the craziest Blue Wave support. One card can attack like 3 times in a turn for just a CB1 and a discard. Valeos was revealed and he is a god send for Aqua Force. Sealing off any power increase from the base power of your opponents vanguard is seriously nuts. Blue Wave got a new stride in the form of Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Flood Hazard Dragon who is also STUPID crazy. WE ALSO GOT A NEW G GUARD. 

Anyway, next episode we probably get a full reveal of Megiddo so at least we can see insanity once again. Blue Waves got good this set.

I guess that's basically all for me so I will see you all when Blue Wave gets revealed or other things in the set that I play.


Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Bermuda Triangle - Coral Deck Profile

Envelop the world please uwu
Now with Riviere deck profile done. I may as well do Coral next. I don't think I have ever done a Coral deck profile here but not to fear. Even if I had done one, not much would have changed since there wasn't much that had changed anyway. Too bad there wasn't an Arcadia Star, Coral full art or else I would have used that. Oh well, anyway, on to the deck profile.


This Coral deck profile is all about the amount of Coral's in your soul (as the deck should be played anyway) and removing any unwanted cards in the soul. Early game rush is the most beneficial way to play this deck since you can potentially early rush and not have to worry about your hand since they may be returning back to your hand anyway. Some cards in here have their effects kicked off due to returning to your hand as well, so there is that too. Another things to add as well is that this deck revolves around getting the crossride effect off as early as possible since having a 13k vanguard makes it easier to guard. Usually this happens first stride thanks to Arcadia Coral (shown above). On to the actual deck profile.

Deck Profile - Envelop the World

Grade 0 x17

1x Angelic Star, Coral (FVG)
Critical Triggers x 12
Heal Trigger x 4

Grade 1 x15

4x Fresh Star, Coral (Ride Chain)
4x Miracle Twintail, Wyz (Sentinel)
4x Admire Successor, Lyrica
3x Faithful Follower, Lauroca

Grade 2  x11

4x Shiny Star, Coral (Ride Chain)
3x Active Pink, Larana
4x Tsundere Rival, Ruruka (can't believe they named her that)

Grade 3  x7

3x Aurora Star, Coral (Ride Chain)
4x Shangri-la Star, Coral (Crossride/Ace)

Grade 4  x13

4x Frontier Star, Coral
1x Arcadia Star, Coral
1x Lucky Rise, Elprina
1x Perfect Performance, Ange
1x Festal Finale, Final Priscila

G Guardian  x5

1x Hand in Hand, Leona
1x Chouchou, Palffy / Sailor's Medley, Nasha
1x Highest Society, Citron
2x Blessed Sparkle, Sandy

Grade 0

So obviously, the first vanguard is Angelic Star because of Ride Chain.
12 crit and 4 heal is the way to go in this deck. I was using 8 crit and 4 draw but realised it wasn't good because it more than likely decks you out with all the soul-charging and additional drawing power. 12 Crit is also really nice so :3

Grade 1

Using 4 Fresh Star is another obvious choice since ride chain and all. I've never had to use her other skill since I always get Shiny Star in my hand. Though it's not much of a problem if I don't have Shiny in hand anyway. 

Using 4 Wyz because it's budget (Kukuri isn't expensive anymore thank the lord so might use her instead) and it has harmony so, ye.

3 of Lauroca isn't bad because her effect kind of sucks if you choose a unit with "Coral" in its card name since you go through your deck further and increase the risk of decking out.

4 of Lyrica is basically a necessity since her effect isn't half bad even though it is a -1. I would still use it regardless. Her in [Soul] effect should basically never be used since she won't be ever in soul (unless you ride her or something). She isn't bad for a Coral support.

Grade 2

4 of Shiny Star is obvious since ride chain and all. Her on hit effect is pretty nice since you can early rush and potentially not have to worry about your hand since they may be returning back anyway. She relies on having the ride chain completing so that isn't too bad since you at least have a chance to fix it with good support cards *cough* sorry Riviere *cough*.

3 of Larana was a pretty hard choice to make since she is good as a unit to call early-ish. Her in soul effect isn't too bad since you can rip her out from the soul to RC and then soulcharge. Her on attack skill only works if you had a Grade 3 Coral. Meylene sets herself apart from Larana since she is active when Super Idol is on your VG or in your soul. 

4 of Ruruka isn't bad since she can be used as a means to early rush. It's not a bad timing since it works well with Shiny Star and the +4k means that you can call a G1 coral and it will still hit an 11k g3. The Soul-charge sucks since you can't choose whether or not to.

Grade 3

3 of Aurora star is completely fine since you don't want to ride her as much. Shangri-la is the better option. However, if you find yourself having to ride Aurora, it should be fine as long as the ride chain is completed up to her. Her Limit Break isn't too bad (and is probably what started the whole "mandatory soulcharge" thing) even in today's standard, however the CB2 does hurt a little bit, but what can you do?

4 of Shangri-la is the best option if you want to consistently ride her. Riding her first isn't at all a bad thing since there are many ways to go about getting the crossride early (Mandatory soulcharges IF IT EVER WORKS FOR YOU. Lyrica. Lauroca and Arcadia) and her LB is pretty good to wash out any unneeded cards in your soul (which reduces her thickness and increases her health uwu). Drawing 2 is pretty good since it is +1 and also the extra 3k shows off that Coral wants power for herself (though arcadia fixed this...... sort of... idk man Riviere does it better). Nothing else is to be added since I have gone through most things.

Grade 4

4 of Frontier Star is probably your only option since you will want to full maximise her capabilities. Thanks to Arcadia, this limit use is 3 however it doesn't matter too much since with each stride, you'll be beating down your opponents hand a lot with a maximum power of 51k. It's a lot considering that you'll be attacking with your rearguards first for an average power of 16k which comes down to 32k in total. So that makes it 83k power in total. However you still have Frontier's full skill to activate so that means you get to call two units back and if you returned Ruruka to hand, that makes it three with a 13k (G2) or a 15k (G3) attacker and a whole column ready to go. So 16 + 13-15k with the previous total power of 83k comes down to 112k or 114k total power and that is without triggers. So it's a lot for Coral anyway.

1 of Arcadia Star is perfectly fine to be honest since you will only use her once to get what you need in the soul, power up your field and Coral. It's not as punishing as Frontier but potentially, she is a Kamususano'o (Dragon Destroyer) with a 10k slapped on herself. So it's not too bad, also the fact you can choose whether or not you want to bounce anything is nice. 

1 of Elprina is here just in case there are any cards in the soul that you wanna get rid of.

1 of Ange (I'll never be able to get it) because it can remove locks from your field and obviously helps out with the Link Joker match up no matter what type it may be. Extra power, drawing and +1 drive is also nice.

1 of GB8 just in case your opponent hasn't died yet and you want to make sure they die.

1 of Hand in Hand in here just to protect any rearguards that are being attacked and adding shield. Not too much to say.

1 of Nasha/Palffy is here just cause +5000 shield and they are both easy to achieve so :] I would prefer Palffy but since I have Nasha, I may as well keep her.

Highest Society, Citron isn't too bad in this deck, there isn't much you can do combo-wise with it but it is nice to add spots to your RC's and get +10k shield.

Blessed Sparkle is obviously the best g guard for bermuda since basically you do what you do and get rewarded for it with a massive shield bonus potentially.

So that was my Coral deck and yeah I was a bit lazy towards the end. I apologise, but most of these choices are here just to fill up G Zone spots. Hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! See you next time!


Battle Sisters are done

Definitely more useful than a Fan

We definitely needed a margal clone :p

"Lozenge Magus "Apex"" Yet this R does all she does and better. Also that weaponry.

Battle Sisters are fully done and we get to see the G guardian which is amazing. I'm gonna get the heal trigger because it's so much cooler than a girl wielding a fan. The draw trigger is nice as well and means more power to units. FINALLY, THE G GUARD! I'll just go over this card in a simplistic way.

When she is placed on (GC) you can pay CB1, if you do. You get to draw a card and reveal the top card of your deck, if it is grade 1 or higher, you get +5000 shield and you may also choose where that revealed card goes (to the top or bottom of your deck). This literally removed Apex from my g zone and the CB doesn't hurt at all since Muffin and all. I'm thinking of using three of this girl since she is like really really good. You get back what you discarded for G guard and also a potential defensive trigger or what you wanna draw into when your turn comes around. I'm very happy!

So that was all from me, we are done with Battle Sister and which means I might be inactive for a while unless something else pops up. Until then, bye!


Monday, 14 August 2017

Bermuda Triangle Deck Update - Riviere/Shizuku

Slapping you with her Mermaid Tail
As the title says, this is an update to my previous deck profile (click here if you haven't seen it). Doing some messing around, I came to a conclusion that this new style of Riviere works way better than Riviere/Spica. So, not too much has changed so I'll just go over what is different about each grade (if any) BUT BEFORE THAT, thanks to this change, this deck is now pretty different as to how it is used. Also, I don't think I ever went over the new Shizuku, so here she is if you wanna check her out! (Edit: I did)


So, this Riviere/Shizuku deck is all about hand advantage and hard-hitting numbers. With this deck, no matter which grade 3 you ride, you will always gain advantage, sometimes more so than riding the other Grade 3. This deck is now revolved around a Riviere engine and a Shizuku engine for backup in case all hell breaks loose. The Shizuku engine aims to maximise your hand advantage and gets rid of Grade 3's and 2's through the stride skill of Shizuku from your deck and adds them to your hand for guard or for later use while still maintaining an aggressive push. Since the Riviere stride isn't heart restricted, it can skill work even if you ride Shizuku which is fine. 

Grade 0 

I have decided to play 8 crit and 4 draw now. It's just to apply more pressure while still getting hand advantage.

Grade 1

Focusing more on the Shizuku engine as a backup. I have taken out Aika because essentially, having 3 Riviere in the soul is enough to make a dent in your opponent's hand. So instead of Aika, I use 4 Courage and 3 Shizuku. 4 Courage is there so I can make the Ride Chain a little more consistent than it otherwise was. 3 Shizuku is there to obviously get hand advantage. 

Grade 2

No changes have been made for the Grade 2 spot.

Grade 3

Spica is obviously taken out for the main backup, Shizuku. Shizuku has harmony which is great and on top of that, she can help search for your G3 Riviere, however, if you end up riding Shizuku, you may as well not ride Riviere since she won't be as effective as Shizuku. Both options are really good in their own ways. Riding Shizuku means more hand and Riding Riviere means you'll focus more on offense.

Grade 4

All I have changed is reducing Ange to 1 since I never end up using her and I'd rather win it all with Riviere. So in her place, I increased the number of Lauris to 3 since her effect is more easily usable with all the hand advantage. Lauris is also great for making sure your opponent will have nothing by the end of the turn. Also, because I don't use Aika anymore, Riviere and Lauris do the same thing almost except Riviere draws that extra card, doesn't need everyone to be in Harmony and also gets 10k for herself. So ultimately, they both basically do the same thing as each other now. 

This was a quick update and I hope you all enjoyed it as I did writing it. Bye for now!

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

You can't protect people on an empty stomach!

I wonder how she actually nullifies an attack.. With Bullets? Probably..
Today, we got a new Battle Sister PG which is good because I don't wanna buy Chocolate seeing as this card might be cheap. Anyway

Name: Battle Sister, Marmalade
Power: 6000
Grade 1
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "[CONT]:Sentinel
[AUTO]:[Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (GC) from hand, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your units being attacked, and that unit cannot be hit until end of that battle. If there is a "Battle Sister, Marmalade" in your drop zone, and the number of cards in your hand is three or less, you may draw a card."

Okay so, it's generic which is nice. Replenishing your discard cost for having a low hand is pretty nice and you'll be back to 4 in hand. I wonder if people will still use Amatsu-hikone over this. It's plain and it's simple so nothing much to be really said. It's gonna be cheap, you can just see it, the pain of this card is that people have to wait for this card to be released in English. Oh well~ we still have a G guard so :3.

So yeah, I don't wanna drag this too long since I've said most of the things this card does. SO with that, bye for now!

Thursday, 3 August 2017

I'm Officially Giving Up On SP Witch Support

You don't need to be a genius to tell that these two Shadow Paladin cards (which I'm not going over) just kicked out Witches for their support this year. Unless Witches get R cards but like, Claret Sword may be getting support this set. Sigh... Next Year...

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Battle Sisters are looking pretty delicious! (No pun intended)

Small, Cute and will probably kill you. Yep, she's a Battle Sister.

So yesterday, there was the weekly VG stream and it revealed new Battle Sister cards that were shown in the anime. We got a total of three cards so let's just start small and work our way up to the big one. So first card.

Battle Sister, Kipferl
Power: 5000 (thank god)
Grade 0
Flavor Text: *to be translated*
Effect: "[AUTO]: Forerunner
[ACT](RG)[Generation Break 1]:[Put this unit into your soul] Choose one your vanguards with "Battle Sister" in its card name, and until end of turn, it gets [CONT](VC):All of your rearguards with "Battle Sister" in their card names get +3000 power.".

Waffle is definitely getting taken out for this goddess (not really but you get the idea). While this card is simple, sometimes simple is best. Combined with Florentine and Stollin, this card grants +9k in total to all rearguards. The best part is that this card doesn't cost a CB or anything except for putting her into the soul which is fine by me. This card is really Battle Sister restricted by that is okay~. Taking Waffle out for her honestly made my deck better. The fact that the gained skill is CONT is simply amazing! It gives the field a much more threating position since usually if you give the rearguards 9k, generally the BaS (Battle Sister) field will look like this (on a Stollen turn)
                       9K-12K       26K           9K-12K
                        I                   I                I
                       7K               5K*             7K

*The 5K unit being Kipferl and the front row rearguards are Macaron

With all the skills combined, your field will now look like this

                     = 34K-37K        = 42K            = 34K-37K
                      18K-21K            26K              18K-21K    
                        I                        I                    I
                      16K                   16K               16K

So as you can see, this is a pretty strong formation. Can waffle do this? Not a chance! Kipferl makes everything much worse for your opponent if you give your whole field +6K with stride skill and Kipferl and then use Miroirs GB3. It's really stupid and amazing! So, as you can clearly see and probably understand by now, this is a really good BaS starter! Time for the next card!

SOOOO. Battle Sisters finally got what they deserved

Battle Sister, Sable
Power: 9000
Grade 2
Effect: "[AUTO][Soul Blast (1)-card with "Battle Sister" in its card name] When this unit is placed on (RC), if the number of your other units with "Battle Sister" in its card name is three or more, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card."

Yep! That's her effect! I have no words for this skill, it's perfect! The Soul blast cost doesn't even hurt one bit! I can't believe they gave Battle Sister this kind of card honestly. Having a total of 4 units on the board isn't hard at all since you have your VG and starter, by just calling one girl and then Sable, you get the free draw! There's nothing wrong with this card and it's an instant 4-of type of card. It's really helped a lot in games where I call my girls with her included and I don't have to worry too much about hand either! It's a simple yet great skill! Still can't believe this is a card for BaS! WOW! I'm sure you get the idea that I love this card too! Final Card!

With that kind of weaponry, she could single-handily start Cray's next war! 

Excite Battle Sister, Stollen
Grade 4
Power: 15000+
Effect: "[ACT](VC)[1/TURN][Counter Blast (1) and Choose a face down card from your G Zone with the same card name as this unit, and turn it face up] You may Soul Charge (1). Then, look at the same number of cards from the top of your deck as the number of your rearguards with "Battle Sister" in their card names, and put each of the cards you looked at on the top or bottom of your deck in any order.
[CONT](VC)[Generation Break 3] All of your rearguards with "Battle Sister" in their card names gets +3000 power."

Throw this into Magus and it would be perfectly fine. Throwing this in Battle Sister basically says "This is a card based around Kumi's trigger sacking skills". While this is a pretty cool card which is pretty much Vanargandr except one more card, it's, okay. It's passable but look at both those effects as one whole effect, I would've expected something either more explosive or more flashier. Stacking the deck is always good and the optional soul charge is nice. While the GB3 always gives your rearguards +3000 power, it could have given them maybe +6000 power for a GB3 since, well, Masquerade Harri's GB3 DOES ALL THAT! It's a cont skill so maybe it's fine, but like, I would like maybe +5000 since it is GB3 (even though it's not much of a milestone anymore). Either way, the +3000 power does add up quite a bit when combined with the other power skills as seen before. This is a great card but it had potential. I MEAN LOOK AT HER ARSENAL! SHE COULD START A WORLD WAR JUST FOR THE LOLS! LIKE! HOLY DIABLO! I hope she gets lore... This card can win you games because of the Stacking pressure it applies and on top of that, you still have rearguards! It's probably better than Miroir but Miroir is also very, very nice! Could have been better but it's still AMAZING!

That pretty much wraps up today! For BaS however, we still have a G guard to be released and then I'll do a rate of 0-10 on how well this BaS Support is this year (Since it's not getting support for the rest of this year, same with Jewel Knights. Which is why I hope for SP Witch support right now). Bye for now!
