Friday, 23 June 2017

PR❤ISM's Have No More Excuses Why They Aren't META

When Bushi are biased, they WILL let you know about it. Today, PR❤ISM have support and well, they have to make an Impact in the Meta now! Even if slightly! Let's start things of with their 3rd (technically 4th) stride!

Oh yeah! I remember Avenir Phoenix!
Name: Orient-PR❤ISM, Kaname

Flavor Text: "Please enjoy the legend of "Orient-PR❤ISM"!"

Effect: "[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (1), Choose a face down card from your G zone with the same card name as this unit & turn it face up & Choose two of your rearguards, and return them to your hand] When this unit attacks, if you have a heart card with "PR❤ISM" in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to two cards with "PR❤ISM" in its card name from your hand for each face up card in your G zone, and call them to separate (RC). If you called three or more cards, this unit gets +1 critical until end of that battle."

This card is just proves Bushi is biased towards PR❤ISM for giving them one of the best Strides, meanwhile Duo gets a 2015 card and like, that is NOT good! So anyway, this girl bounces two which is the same Max number Sunshine Vert can bounce however, this girl also provides multi-attacks which, if timed correctly, your opponent should not be surviving. With all the cards that PR❤ISM has, this card can be combo'd with well to the point where this card could force 2 PG or even 2 G guard. This card is basically the same as Avenir Phoenix except this card will be used so much more due to the fact this card applies more pressure with the +1 critical. Essentially, when you throw this card down, your opponent has to deal with 5 attacks which gets worse the longer the game progresses (not that they survive Sunshine Vert with low casualties anyway) as more multi attacks the longer the game goes means your opponent has to guard it all which is pretty devastating to their hand if you do everything perfectly. This card is pretty good however, if you wanna make two columns without killing off any rearguards, you have to do some planning of how you wanna attack and pray that some attacks hit for you to be able to bounce back rearguards. Which is where the next two units shine! *Spoiler Alert* They don't Soul Blast...

A Grade 3 PR❤ISM........ Hmm...
Name: Orient-PR❤ISM, Karina

Flavor Text: "Alright~, pong!"

Effect: "[AUTO] When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "PR❤ISM" in its card name, until end of turn, this unit gets "[AUTO](RC):When your other rearguard with "PR❤ISM" in its card name is returned to your hand, this unit +2000 power until end of turn."
[AUTO](RC) [Generation Break 1]:[Counter Blast (1) & Choose one of your other rearguards with "PR❤ISM" in its card name, and return it to your hand] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets +4000 power until end of that battle."

100% sure this is for all those people who can't decide if they should use Labrador or Garnet or not. I personally would use this girl provided that I am using this card in conjunction with all the other PR❤ISM cards that have been revealed thus far for this set. I am gonna get rid of Labrador for this girl since I don't generally use Labrador anyway and since this girl is an R, that means she will be more easier to obtain. Moving onto the skills. Her on place (RC) skill is actually pretty good since she can kick off her own skill giving her +6000 power. Combined with the stride and other units, this girl could potentially swing for 17-23k each attack which is pretty deadly. The on attack is GB which is well restricted. The issue with this is that the cost isn't Soulblast which would have given people more reason to use Princess Leyte combined with this girl but the Counter Blast is fine as well. This girl is a beatdown in a beatdown deck which fits perfectly. Not much to be said really except that if you use her correctly, she will probably be an MVP of the game. Final Card!

Oh hey! They all form one picture! 
Name: "Orient-PR❤ISM, Ayari"

Flavor Text: "Orient-PR❤ISM" targeted to become an attention to the industry."

Effect: [AUTO](RC)[Generation Break 1]:[Counter Blast (1)-card with "PR❤ISM" in its card name] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your other rearguards with "PR❤ISM" in its card name, return it to your hand, and this unit gets +5000 power until end of that battle."

Essentially, this girl is the G3 except the on attack grants +5000 power instead of +3000 and bouncing a rearguard isn't a cost. Using this alongside the G3 means you'll be potentially swinging in for 14k on this girls column by herself (21k in total) and on the other column is another 14k (25k potentially). These cards rely on something else to happen to be able to make full use of their skills without having to suffer backdraws or anything like that, so using this girl alongside the stride is also a good idea since it provides more beatdown. Your Counter Blast might disappear but so will your opponents' hand. Nothing much to be said really so I guess I'll end the review here.

With that being said, that is all for today! Can't wait to talk more about the upcoming Mermaid reveals! Bye for now!


Last Riviere G1-G2 Support

I don't want to play Legion though...
Name: "Applause Flower, Palche"

Flavor Text: "A bouquet from, the courage received from Riviere and the aspiration she embraced."

Effect: "[AUTO](VC/RC):[Choose one of your Rearguards with "Riviere" in its card name, and return it to your hand] When this units attack hits a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, reveal four cards from the top of your deck, put up to one card with "Riviere" in its card name to your hand from among them, put the rest into your drop zone. If you put a card into your hand, choose a card from your hand, and put it into your soul."

I do not wanna play Legion, I want a good backup for Riviere which doesn't involve me trying to get a PR card. Anyway, besides that, Riviere is looking more and more to be a Grade 2 rush deck. This card sort of helps you if you have to ride her instead of Super Idol as well as helping out with the Max 5 Riviere cards in your soul. Not to mention, if you ride the wrong G1 and not Courasche as well, you can always bounce the G0 Rivi for extra shield and fix the ride chain a bit. I don't like the fact this card sends all other cards to the drop zone since if you miss, all those 4 cards are going to the drop. I hope this either means we are getting a Legion that actually does help or we are getting a recycler, but at this point, I can't pray for a miracle since that miracle died out ages ago. This more likely means we don't have to use Aika but that being said, Aika is good for what she does, at least she doesn't support Legion. It really depends on what you wanna do with a Riviere deck that makes your options matter somewhat. I don't know how to feel about all this. I hope we get a G3 support but... Hoping is not the best thing to do right now really. I don't want my heart to be broken anymore than it has... Personal feelings aside, can't wait for the other mermaids support. 

That was all for now since reveals today and stuff. See you all in the next post I guess.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Lauris + Ange + Chouchou + G Guard + Reprints + Harmony

I haven't done anything since Tuesday so I have a lot to catch up on again! But this one shouldn't be too long like all the last ones but that might not be true since there are reveals today as well. Time to start off with Lauris stuff!

Her SP art depicts Lauris wanting to join a swimming team :3
Name: "Wonderful Voice, Lauris"

Flavor Text: "Let me hear your voices. Everyone's pure singing voices!"

Effect: "[AUTO](VC/RC):Harmony
[CONT](VG/RG)[Generation Break 2]: If this unit is in harmony, this unit gets +5000 Power until end of turn. Then, if this unit is on (VC), +1 Critical.
[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] When your G unit stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card, choose up to two of your rearguards, and return them to your hand."

Here I was literally worried they would screw up Lauris and she would end up being a Fenrir. Thankfully, Lauris isn't too bad, it's like Gaia Desparado for the GB2 and the Stride Skill cost is similar to Gurguit. The GB2 being a Cont is really nice! It might make it worse if she goes in Harmony during your opponents turn and the unit she is in Harmony with gets sniped or whatever but at the same time it is nice that is it CONT and it gives herself power just in case you're on Miracle Voice and the unit you gave the 5k to gets dominated. Also, they changed the Stride Skill to when your g unit strides during any players turn, which kinda worries me that a card might force you a stride a G unit during your opponents turn and does something scary. The stride skill has been improved on greatly. Not having to rely on bouncing a rearguard to draw a card and rather drawing a card regardless is really good, also the ability to return more than one rearguards is really nice since it can potentially kick off more units abilities rather just relying on a combo to try and get the full benefit of the stride skill. I'm not sure about the soulblast cost since Vita but hopefully we can manage. Now that I think about it, the stride skill is Vert's breakride skill with a cost and not power gain so, whatever is good about Vert's breakride skill is also what is good about Lauris's stride skill. Let's get into her support card! 

Does this mean Subal is more viable now?
Name: "Eager Envy, Marronnier"

Flavor Text: "Oh great Lauris......  What a noble figure you are......❤"

Effect: "[AUTO](VC/RC):Harmony♪♪
[AUTO](RC): When this unit becomes in ♪Harmony♪, if you have a vanguard with "Lauris" in its card name, this unit gets +3000 Power until end of turn.
[CONT](RC)[Generation Break 2]: This unit gets +3000 Power for every two of your units in ♪Harmony♪."

Well, well, well. What do we have here? A G2 Lauris restricted card! After 2 sets we finally get one, although this makes it weird cause what do we replace? Vita or Spica? Who knows. Her main Auto skill is "When this unit becomes in harmony", so it can stack multiple times. By this, I mean, if you call a unit behind her and you meet the requirements, she gets +3000 power and then if you return that unit you called and call it back again, she gets another +3000 on top of her +3000 for her Cont ability. So she just gained +9000 power just by becoming in harmony twice and you still have your other 2 columns which are also more likely in harmony, meaning that this girl is on 24k by herself and that's without any other power boosts. This girl is probably like the best G2 Lauris could have since it can force out a G guard. Also her Cont skill isn't Lauris restricted so you could potientally throw her in other Harmony decks, but what Harmony deck doesn't use Lauris G4? The fact she is an R is also amazing! I hope this is the best card Lauris gets as support cause I don't want Bushi to screw over what could be great support for Lauris. This set is looking more and more brighter! Let's hope this keeps up! TIME FOR THE GR!!!!

It's not like Link Joker hated Bermuda anyway!
Name: "Perfect Performance, Ange"

Flavor Text: "With her appearance, the music scene of the world has been changed."

Effect: [ACT](VC)[1/Turn][Generation Break 2]:[Counter Blast (2) & Choose a face down card from your G zone, and turn it face up] Choose any number of any players' cards in any circle other than (VC), and return them to hand. This unit gets +5000 power for each returned card until end of turn. If the number of returned cards is 5 or more, draw a card. If the number of cards returned is 7 or more, this unit gains +1 Drive until end of turn."

OKAY! So, the Counterblast 2 seems pretty fair considering this card can return cards that are on locked circles back to the hand since it doesn't specify what kind of circle you may choose from. If you return your whole field you get a draw and if you choose to return at least two of your opponents rearguards back to their hand, you get a drive. While that may not seem like a good idea, this stops Broken Heart or anything that your opponent could use for a stride skill the next turn (e.g. Abyssal Owl, Rute etc. Any unit that benefits from the stride skill basically) so you could screw over your opponent at the same time. If they don't have a PG, they may throw down that card you returned to their hand. This card screws over Link Joker massively and if you fight Messiah, you could screw them over too by removing their entire field. Sure you give them back their cards but if they can't use the Stride Skill, they may have a big problem on their hand (get it? Hand? Okay I'll stop) trying to make a successful turn. If you do return at least 7 cards, Ange becomes a 61k attacker which is pretty deadly if they can't PG it. This card is definition a 2 of but if your deck can't CC much then Ange is also fine at 1 but then it becomes a situational card. The +1 Drive is okay since your opponent has to guard for even more than just the regular 3 to pass. Even that though is a lot of shield to ask for if they don't throw down a PG. This is a pretty good GR honestly, it's nice Bushi thought about something like this. Now onto the Chouchou cards!

Extra Battle Phase Caller? Nice! 
Name: "Chouchou, Flara"

Flavor Text: "See you later!"

Effect: "[AUTO]:Forerunner
[AUTO](RC)[Generation Break 1]:[Put this unit into your soul] When your other rearguard is put into your deck, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to two cards with "Chouchou" in its card name from your hand, call those cards to seperate RG in the same column as each other."

This card really comes down to player preference. Do you want to draw more cards or do you want extra attacks which could lead you to drawing extra cards anyway? This girl makes you get an extra column, so if you use this card, generally it's a good idea to have a full column and find a way to get rid of it through the use of effects to be able to call a column without sacrificing any rearguards. With all the cards accessible to use, that shouldn't be too hard although you might have to wait a while since Chouchou is a combo deck and you might call unit to the column you wanna call the units to. If you can't tell by now, I really enjoy writing card reviews about the Chouchou units cause they are my personal favourite right now! With the draw engine being as it is in Choucou, you should have no problems getting the cards you used to call out back to your hand which means you basically used no cards at all for this girls effect. It's possible to make your turn go super long with all the combos that Chouchou can do, which might make your opponent go to sleep. Putting this unit to soul helps out with the Soulblast cost of units so we don't really need to worry about that now as long as we don't heavily abuse the Soulblast cost. All we need to worry about now is the Counterblast used which, if Bushi is nice, we will get counter chargers for the deck. Anyway, next card!

Soo. About that potential early game combo rush.
Name: "Chouchou, Sugrie"

Flavor Text: "Only those who keep challenging, can become a top idol."

Effect: "[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1) & Choose one of your other rearguards with "Chouchou" in its card name, and put it on the bottom of your deck] When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
[AUTO](RC)[1/Turn][Generation Break 1]: When your other rearguard is put into your deck during your turn, choose one of your units, and it gets +4000 power until end of turn."

If we get some cards that can combo like all the GB combo starters that aren't GB, then and only then will this card be used in the early game for the first skill. Even so, unless you have a booster or something similar that you can use for this cards skill will be nice cause it is on-hit pressure to get an extra draw AND being a Gear Chronicle fodder (Gear Chronicle in this instance is a short way of saying putting a rearguard to the bottom of the deck which is probably a term you guys will see pop up often) for Tirua is pretty good as well. With all this, if your opponent can see what you will do in the next 1-2 turns, they will want this girl gone. If you are on GB and this girl's effect activates, she initiates her own other skill which gives a unit +4000 power. This card can combo with other units as it doesn't have to be herself (obviously) that sends a rearguard to the deck which leads to more attack power for units your opponent didn't want to worry about before. Also, this card can help out Flara if used in a combo correctly by giving the column you call a 20K line instead of the regular 16k or so. That being said, if we don't get anything better than this, suprisingly R card, we always have the trio to fall back on, or you can use this card which is definitely fine. It all comes down to seeing what we get. Also, while very unlikely, this card can help you get Tino from the drop zone into your hand at a much quicker pace so there is that. Not much to be said about this card, this card is kinda showing us that we will get something to help early game combo rush or we are getting something better. Let's just wait and see. NEXT!

Name: "Highest Society, Citron" 

Flavor Text: "There's a limit to how much their songs can be interrupted." That's a little scary.

Effect: "[AUTO]: When this unit is placed on (GC), choose up to one grade 1 or greater card from your hand, and call it to (RC). If you called a unit, this unit gets +10000 Shield until end of that battle."

Let's see what G Guards Bermuda has (in chronological order): Nasha, Leona, Sandy, Pallfy and this girl. Nasha is getting replaced for Pallfy definitely, Leona forces you to call a card from hand to GC if you return a unit and Sandy is never getting replaced. Then we have this! On top of having an Ichibyoshi clone we also get a Rain Breath clone that gets an extra +5000 shield. This card is gonna be in every Bermuda deck, especially Harmony since this card can combo with Lauris to get a total of 15k shield, maybe even more! This is a really good G Guard! The only thing is that I use 6 G guards in all my deck. I'm definitely getting rid of Nasha for Pallfy but idk about Leona since I do really like her a lot. Running 7-8 G guard is weird as hell. Which obviously this card comes down to whether or not you wanna get rid of Leona or not, using this girl at one might be a good idea but gettind rid of a Sandy and Leona for 2 of this girl is... ehhh. Sandy is the best G guard of almost all time and Leona is fine as well. So, it comes down to what you wanna do. We will see when she comes out. Right now, Citron is like super good! Thank you Bushi! NOW REPRINTS OH MY LORD!

Now I don't mean to praise Bushi with the highest of praises but like, this reprint is almost unbelievable! I can't believe they reprinted this! Which now leads me to the question of "Will they reprint all other CC Perfect Guards?". If they do then like, we are in heaven! They are doing something right reprint wise! THANK YOU! Like I really wanted to use this card but it is expensive as heckie cause it's like so perfect for all Bermuda decks! NEXT REPRINT!

This had better come foiled as a Reprint
It's a reprint that they would inevitably done for this set because of Lauris. Looking at this card generically, it's a reallly good reprint as copies of this card as a R non-holo was still like $7 or so, I hope this card comes Holo reprint, that would be superb! Speaking of superb, no Superb Shizuku reprint :'( GDI SO CLOSE BUSHI! Still a very nice reprint, thank the lord. She is coming R so I doubt it'll be holo but it's still a nice reprint. SHE DOES COME SP SO!!!!!! NEXT

What's the rest of the Duo support gonna be like Bushi...
I think the better reprint choice would have been Shizuku cause she is expensive-ish and Shizuku is a deck now. Hopefully this card being a reprint doesn't mean that Duo is gonna get bad G1 support (if any at all) and we have to use the older cards. Looking at this card generically, this has always been a fine card, especially in a Madre deck but it hasn't been easy to obtain. I hope they give this girl a two art reprint, I swear if they don't! Who am I kidding? They're going to, it's a duo card! Maybe this reprint does mean we won't get a better G1 option but this encourages people to use this card in Duo for the Reit deck. I hope this means what I think it means. Reit Stride! Oh man HYPE! This girl comes R so, it's okay... That's all the reprints, now onto the final two cards.

THIS GIRL gets a deck box and yet...
Name: "Love Collect, Eleanor"

Flavor Text: "I found a lovely heart ❤"

Effect: [AUTO](VC/RC):Harmony
[AUTO][Generation Break 1]:[Counter blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] When this unit is returned to your hand from (RC), you may pay the cost. If you do, look at the same number of cards from the top of your deck as the number of your units with the Harmony ability, put up to one card to your hand from among them, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order."

So it seems like the higher the rarity that is below RRR gets really bad cards but the lower you get, all the good cards lie there? What is this? This card can be abusable but like, this reminds me of Wakana because this card might be used sometimes. As long as this card confirms that Bermuda is getting a CC/SC'er besides Melvies (the G1 Chouchou), it's fine. On the other hand, this card could be splashed in other decks making your deck more consistent. That involves running Harmony units but the generic harmony support is good to other decks so it's okay. Even then, I don't see this card being used much but I'm sure she will have her use in time. NEXT CARD! Which is the last one I'm pretty sure.

Name: "Ambient Silence, Etosha"

Flavor Text: "Performance is a beautiful melody that calls tranquility to the water surface."

Effect: "[CONT]:Sentinel
[AUTO]:[Choose three cards with the Harmony♪♪ ability from your drop zone, and return them to your deck] When this unit is placed on (GC) from your hand, you may pay the cost. If you do, shuffle your deck, and call five cards from the top of your deck to (GC).
[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1)] At the end of the battle that this unit boosted, if this unit is in Harmony♪♪, you may pay the cost. If you do, return this unit to your hand."

How different! This card might see some light in Harmony decks that don't want to use Kukuri at 4. This card can return stand triggers and other important cards that have Harmony! However, there is a possibility of calling the units you return to the deck to GC when you Quintet Wall. This is a low possibility however the chance is not 0%. Her last skill is a nifty one since it isn't GB and you can use her for early Harmony rush and not have to worry about losing defence later on in the game. This isn't gonna be used in a Harmony deck is anyone either abuses the draw engine or worries about Counter Blast issues however this is gonna be a good alternative option.

That's all for today finally! I had a lot of fun writing this post and, while I don't expect Bermuda support this year to get better. I do expect units that should get good support to have good support (Reit pls). See you tomorrow!


Tuesday, 20 June 2017


In the past couple days, I have missed out on a lot of cards! This is gonna be another long post so, you have been warned. Let's get started!
6 Drive Checks? SURE!

Name: Song of Gracious, Raindear

Flavor Text: "The loud singing voice penetrates through the sea, calling out echoes of the sky."

Effect: "[AUTO] [VC]:[Counter Blast (1), Soul Blast (1) & Choose a face down card with the same card name as this unit from your G Zone and turn it face up] When your drive check reveals a grade 3 card, if you have a heart card with "Raindear" in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a rearguard and return it to your hand, and this unit gets +3000 power and +1 Drive until end of that battle."

It's honestly what you'd expect it to be but unlike Peaceful, this card's ability can stack which means you can potentially get +9000 and +3 drive checks. Extra cards to your hand and extra power your opponent has to deal with. Also boucning a rearguard doesn't hurt. I wanna keep the reviews short this time since I have a lot of units to cover. This card definitely helps Raindear so much. Next card!

Free power!
Name: Happiness for Ears, Merovil

Flavor Text: "Ha~ listening to this voice melts my ears~"

Effect: "[AUTO] [RC]: When your drive check reveals a grade 3, if you have a vanguard with "Raindear" in its card name, you may return this unit to your hand. If you do, choose up to two of your units, and they get +3000 power until end of turn."

This card is, okay. It offers a combo with Gracious Raindear to give Raindear and another unit +3000 on top of the extra 3k and +1 drive that Raindear has. It's a C so this card is fine for the final Raindear support in the G2 section. Not really much to talk about since this card is basic, if this card herself could get +1 grade in the trigger zone then this card is fine. NEXT CARD!

Shizuku is her own deck now
Name: Fulbright Wish, Shizuku

Flavor Text: "A dream that wished for realized. The ideal that displayed comes onto both hands."

Effect: [AUTO]:[Counter Blast 1] When this unit is placed on (VC), you may pay the cost. If you do, look at five cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 card or card with "Shizuku" in its card name from among them, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck."
[AUTO] [VC] When your G unit Stride, choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets "[CONT](VC): All originally grade 2 cards in your deck get Grade +1"

Woah! Shizuku became her own deck and not to mention all supports all the Shizuku cards that come before her! It's currently unknown what Shizuku's backup could be but I assume it's either gonna be something that looks for a Grade 3 or something that simply supports Shizuku. So far it seems like Shizuku can give someone hard advantage and makes all Shizuku more likely to activate properly. Can't wait to see Shizuku's Grade 4 in the future. Now we finally head into Chouchou cards!

Apparently a +2? Fine by me
Name: "Chouchou Sasha"

Flavor Text: "To be obessesed on brings you in a straight line! That is the guts of a Mermaid."

Effect: "[AUTO]: Forerunner (reminder text)
[AUTO] (RC) [Generation Break 1] (reminder text) [Counter Blast (1) & Return this unit to your hand] When your other rearguard with "Chouchou" in its card name is put into your deck, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card."

I feel like returning her to your hand as a cost, is a bit much. I mean, advantage is a cost?! OKAY! Anyway, this is by far the best starter Chouchou could ask for. There is nothing that could beat this without being almost ban worthy. By combo'ing with Tirua's stride skill, you can get 4 extra cards in your hand. It's a really good starter that is never getting replaced. Combine this with other cards and you could get even more of an advantage. What a great starter for Bermuda Triangle. Next!

Yet Another Battle Phase Caller! THIS TD THO
Name: "Chouchou, Malle"

Flavor Text: "Do not fear to fail. It is okay to just get it back next time."

Effect: " [AUTO] (RG) [Generation Break 1] (reminder text) [Counter Blast (1) & Choose one of your other rearguards with "Chouchou" in its card name, and put it to the bottom of your deck] At the end of the battle this unit boosted a Vanguard with "Chouchou" in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card, choose up to one card from your hand, and call it to (RC)."

This card easily sets up with multiple attacks. Also this card makes so much combos it is like so unbelievable. This card can also set up for you calling a unit from your hand to RC without having to retire a unit since the unit you would have called over will have been put into the deck thanks to this cards cost. On top of making you not lose a unit, you get a draw off of it. So this is like a really good card that can set up for other units while it sets up for other units while that unit sets up for another units so on and so forth. Basically Chouchou is gonna be the Best combo deck in Bermuda. I can't believe that literally setting up for other units is a cost! Like WHAT?! Chouchou is gonna be my main Bermuda deck if this support gets any more better than it is already. NEXT CARD!

We never asked for a Fuurai like card here but good lord it's great
Name: "Chouchou, Listella"

Flavor Text:  "Try to jump out! I will support you!"

Effect: [AUTO] (RC) [Generation Break 1] (reminder text) [Soul Blast 1, Choose one of your other rearguards with "Chouchou" in its card name, and put it to the bottom of the deck] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card and this unit gets +2000 power until end of that battle."

This card is yet another combo maker with a draw to boot. Looks like I'm really gonna have to test these girls out to see why nearly 90% of them draw a card. So seems like running draw triggers might be a bad idea but with all the deck recycling (sort of), it might be okay since the deck always gets cards back and gets drawn from at the time time so the deck keeps the same size it has upon activating a skill. Yeah so this girl is a combo maker, nothing much to be said so let's get into the final card!

An On-hit stride... But it is so good...!!
Name: "Chouchou, Lilienel"

Flavor Text: "Anyone who happened to be there breathes in the arrival of the new generation."

Effect: "[AUTO](VC): When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, choose up to one of your rearguards, and return it to your hand or put it on the bottom of your deck. If you put a unit into your deck, draw two cards."

This is like a really good first stride on-hit if Chouchou doesn't get anymore strides which I doubt they won't but that might ruin spaces for other decks that want support. So I don't expect anything else, but the only problem with this card is that if your opponent knows what it does, they won't let it hit, and making this on attack btw would be too good! I don't mind this stride at all since IF it does hit, it'll be super beneficial to you. Not much to be said except that this is a really good TD first stride. Bushi has done something good this year. 

So that's all from me until tomorrow when more cards get revealed! Hopefully it'll be good support again! I want Pacifica stuff now though so please Bushi. Bye-Bye!


Friday, 16 June 2017


Sorry I was late again with the reveals; School Internet is atrocious right now. But that won’t stop me from reviewing the mermaids. Prepare yourselves… this is gonna be a long post.
Starting off, let’s head into the cards that were revealed on the stream.
Name: Chouchou, Ayana
Normal Grade 2 stats

Flavor text: “It is for the smile of every fan”

Effect:AUTO (RC) GENERATION BREAK 1 [Counter Blast 1 & Put this unit to the bottom of the deck] When your other rearguard with “Chouchou” in its card name is put into your deck, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card, choose up to one card with “Chouchou” in its card name from your hand, call it to (RC), and it gets +3000 power until end of turn.”

This card is definitely the Spica of Chouchou. The most noteworthy thing is that we now know that Chouchou revolves around spinning your rearguards to the deck to gain benefits like this card. So basically, think of this as continuing Gear Chronicles first way of playing except it does it to yourself. With Chouchou being an Archetype, this level of restriction is almost similar to that of Musketeers since it seems like you’ll have to make a full Chouchou deck if you want to make the deck super consistent. Let’s finally talk more about the skill, this card is basically Spica with an additional draw to make up for the fact that two cards are being sent back to the deck and you’ve lost two Rearguards. On top of that, you also get to call so it makes up for losing a rearguard and it gets +3000 power which can kick-start some combos that Chouchou can do. This card comes from the Trial Deck which is really good. This card shows off what Chouchou can do and that helps a lot since we’ve been in the dark for a while now. Anyway, let’s get into the next Trial Deck card that was revealed.

Name: Chouchou, Clenesu

Normal Grade 1 Stats

Flavor Text: “Let’s get along well and work harder~!”

Effect: “AUTO: When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, look at seven card from the top of your deck, search for up to one card with “Tirua” in its card name from among them, reveal it, put it into your hand and shuffle your deck. If you put a card into your hand, choose one more or cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them.”
AUTO (RC): [Soul Blast 1 & Put this unit on the bottom of your deck] At the end of your turn, if you have a vanguard with “Tirua” in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, Counter Charge 1.”

Did Tirua literally just get an Abyssal Owl IN A TRIAL DECK?! Makes sense since this would have been the stride fodder for Tirua, but since she doesn’t need one, an Abyssal Owl clone was probably the best option. The fact that she sends herself to the bottom of the deck helps set up for Tirua’s free stride ability and potentially other units as well. Overall it is just an Abyssal Owl which is funny that Luard didn’t get one in a trial deck. Let’s head into the Clan Booster stuff now!

Name: Chouchou, Tino

Grade 1 Sentinel Normal Stats

Flavor Text: "The bodyguards in the shape of hearts will repel troublemkaers as a union."

Effect: CONT Sentinel
AUTO: [Choose a card from your hand with “Chouchou” in its card name, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your units that is being attacked, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle.”
AUTO: (Drop Zone): [Counter Blast 1 & Choose one other “Chouchou, Tino” from your drop zone, and put it on the bottom of your deck] When your rearguard is put into your deck during your turn, you may pay the cost. If you do, return this card to your hand.”

I’m starting to think that “Chouchou” is like a mini Tsukuyomi deck in disguise with all the “put this card to the bottom of your deck” costs and mini stacks but I doubt the game with Chouchou will go that far for that to actually happen, besides some cards shuffle the deck so :]. This card basically can chain with almost any card that has been revealed thus far and the timing makes this card super good! I don’t want it to be Esras priced since this is ALMOST like Arka since the discard is specific. Nothing much to be said really, cards like Esras are good and this is no exception. I don’t know about the Counter Blast since most of the cards I’ve seen thus far CB at least 1 and if it wasn’t for Clenesu, Chouchou would need more CC. Time for the next card!

Name: Chouchou, Melvies

Grade 3 10k Stats

Flavor text: The “wish to take as a bride” idol who is popular across the street.

Effect: “AUTO (VG/RG): [Counter Blast 1 & Choose one of your other rearguards with “Chouchou” in its card name, and put it on the bottom of your deck] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to one Grade 1 and one Grade 2 card with “Chouchou” in their card names from your hand, and call them to separate (RC). If you have “Chouchou, Selvies” and “Chouchou, Malvies” on (RC), draw a card.”

Well, for a 10k base that could potentially be the best backup we get. We cannot rule this card out since, really for a C she is not bad. She relies on the other two to get her full benefit but once again, they aren’t that bad of cards so even if we have to use them, we really shouldn’t complain. We still have space for other units that could make them really good. The problem I see right now is that we won’t have enough RC space for all three girls and other important girls as well. So if we want to focus on the trio, they all have to be 4 of’s unless something else happens. This is one of our first battle phase callers and it rewinds a unit so it can set off Ayana’s effect which is actually nice. This girl works on VG although your VG should be Tirua anyway~. Chouchou is currently the most unique deck I’ve seen in Bermuda so I hope it becomes the deck Bermuda needs right now. I am definitely gonna play Chouchou, no question about it. Let’s get into the other two girls.

Name: Chouchou, Selvies

Grade 2 8k Stats

Flavor Text: “Tips of not wasting, is by keeping everything tidy and in order at always”

Effect: “AUTO (RC): [Soul Blast 1] When your other unit is placed on (RC) during your battle phase, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to two of your other units with “Chouchou” in its card name and they get +2000 power until end of turn. If you have “Chouchou, Melvies” and “Chouchou, Malvies” on (VC) or (RG), this unit gets +4000 power until end of turn.”

Take note of the fact this isn’t 1/Turn. However, in saying that, we have Clenesu who Soul Blasts as well so using this effect more than once is gonna be pretty hard unless we get a Soul Charger. It seems like this card relies on Melvies to get things done (if we don’t get another battle phase caller or anything of the sort (*looks at Ayana who could probably kick this skill off as well*)) which further supports my idea to run the trio at four. With all the girls out, this girl can be a 12k attacker and makes Melvies a 12k attacker and one other unit a 9k booster which is pretty nice. So far, the deck for Chouchou may be weird as there might be too many units you want to give priority too but I’m only saying that because we don’t have much else revealed and we still have other Chouchou cards that haven’t been revealed yet. It’s a matter of how you want to play Chouchou I suppose and it’s totally cool because this type of deck is still nice no matter how you look at it. The deck seems to be more combo heavy than most of the Bermuda decks right now, let’s hope Bushiroad doesn’t mess it up, but at this point they have to screw it up astronomically! NEXT!

Name: Chouchou, Malvies
Grade 1 6K stats

Flavor Text: "Servings for three? Roger, sis. Leave it to me!"

Effect: AUTO: [Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (RC) during your battle phase, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card, and this unit gets +4000 power until end of turn. If you have "Chouchou, Melvies" and "Chouchou, Selvies" on (VC) or (RC), Counter Charge 1/Soul Charge 1."

It's basically just as I said before, Chouchou seems to be more of a combo making deck. This girl can allow you to draw a card, become a 10k and also replenishes Selvies and Melvies cost! While you do need them both to be on the field, if you plan to use this style of Chouchou, that shouldn't be a problem at all. You can also replenish the costs of other units as well at the same time and setting up for other skills, obviously. Chouchou also seems to love drawing cards while never making you go -1 and it is always a 0 so giving you flat advantage is non-existent right now (*cough* Tirua tho *cough*) unless there is something i have missed, ah yeah, Melvies straight up gives you a potential free card if you decide not to call anything. So there is that. Now all we need is the strides to be battle phase callers and we should be set, I don't know what Chouchou would need right now since this is almost too different from previous Bermuda builds since this girls don't copy and paste playstyles and changes it up a bit, like this is new in Bermuda. It's nice what Chouchou is giving us, not sure if this will be competitive but good lord, this is gonna be great for new Bermuda players or people just looking to have fun while playing Bermuda. PRISM SUPPORT TIME!

Name: Sweet-PRISM, Nelun
Grade 0 with an effect stats

Flavor Text: "How about an adult bitter taste sometime?"

Effect: "AUTO GENERATION BREAK 1: [Soul Blast 1] When this unit is returned to your hand from (RC) during your battle phase, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your rearguards with "PRISM" in its card name, and until end of turn, it gets "[AUTO](RC): At the end of the battle that this unit attacked or boosted, you may return this unit to your hand".

At first, I kinda dismissed this card since it had Generation Break slapped on it but after giving it some thought, finally Tisca can come out of the deck for a draw trigger that helps me with my units I want to bounce back to hand that I simply couldn't do with my current PRISM build. It helps for those units that you couldn't bounce back to hand or whatever for any reason. We have a way to deal with the unnecessary soul charging with Leyte (Princess) and can put it to good use. It's GB1 which is fine since that's generally when the mass bouncing starts. If PRISM can get a card that calls a card back when bounced, that would be nice in a way. This is a pretty good card, definitely gonna use it. Also, this is an R, are we getting Chouchou triggers? I hope so. NEXT!
Name: Sweet-PRISM, Thitis
Standard Starter Stats

Flavor Text: "It is time to begin a sweet and delicious song~♪"

Effect: "AUTO: Forerunner

AUTO : (RC) GENERATION BREAK 1: When this unit boosts a Grade 3 or greater unit with "PRISM" in its card name, choose one of your other rearguards with "PRISM" in its card name, and you may return it to your hand."

This girl basically offers a free bounce to anything you really want to it further supports the potential out of reach bounces that you want which is what most "PRISM" cards seem to be doing now. While Coro still might be a better starter, this girl also has just about as much reasons to exist as Coro does. It's GB so there is that. Not much to really say about this girl since most of you can probably see how she is useful~! NEXT!

Name: Sweet-PRISM, Lupina
Normal Grade 1 Stats

Flavor Text: "Sweet-PR♥ISM" is popular among children and no one else can stand along with them."
Effect: "AUTO GENERATION BREAK 1: [Counter Blast 1] When this unit is returned to your main from (RC) during your battle phase, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your rearguards with "PRISM" in its card name, and return it to your hand. If you returned a unit, draw a card."

So either PRISMS want you to play draw triggers or PRISM is now gonna be known for decking out. This is basically Princess Celtic except a different timing so it'll be pretty good option for decks who don't use Stride Fodder, LB enabler, Emeral or anything. It draws and also has a simple cost of a CB. This card could be potentially be used to combo with Princess Celtic so you get 2 draws and 2 returns for 2 CB. Lot's of 2's. I would definitely use this unit! 
SOOO THAT'S FINALLY ALL! I have written this post for 2 days now almost! So it's time to take a break. I'll see you all with the Raindear support next post!
